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Another problem for Mustafa government: Healthcare sector announces strike (Gazeta Blic)

Healthcare workers have announced a one-day strike for 30 January demanding implementation of the Collective Contract. Head of healthcare trade union, Xhemajl Selmanaj, said the strike will be observed throughout the territory of Kosovo but will exclude emergency rooms and basic health services.  He said the obligations from the Collective Contract should be transferred from one government to the next and not be suspended as stated by the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Arban Abrashi.

The other side of dialogue results (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore’s Brussels based correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, writes that many officials in Brussels and other capitals make many statements and praise results reached by the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. “One gets the impression that this dialogue not only resolved the vital issues for the people of Kosovo, but it also saved the world from the third world war. The bitter truth stands in the fact that this dialogue has resolved a few problems, however it caused more obscurity and illusions,” writes Palokaj.

Arban Abrashi, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, nominated for spokesperson of Kosovo government (Gazeta Express)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, informed his Cabinet on Wednesday, at ninth meeting of the Government,  about the decision on the appointment of the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Arban Abrashi, as spokesperson of the government of Kosovo.

“The government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to further strengthening the cooperation with the media and civil society, towards the transparency and right information to the citizens of Kosovo,” stresses a press release issued by the government of Kosovo.

Bozovic, former AKI agent, asks for protection from Kosovo institutions (Koha)

Bojan Bozovic, a former associate of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (AKI), claims he has received death threats from people he calls extremists. Bozovic sent a letter to Koha saying that he has notified Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Interior Minister Skender Hyseni about the threats, but that he has received no reply. Bozovic said by the end of this year he would publish the names of people responsible for killings in Kosovo. “I will also publish the names of those working against Kosovo, those working in the Kosovo police and army who serve as Serbian spies.

Mustafa: We don’t ask Serbia about our properties (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa writes on his Facebook account today that Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic is trying to shift Serbia's economic crisis over to Kosovo. “He [Vucic] can say that all socially-owned properties are his in an effort to deceive Serbian citizens, but we know that these properties are ours and no one should be worried about this.

Mustafa promises better conditions for repatriated persons (Koha)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, met on Tuesday with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, Sebastian Kurz. Mustafa informed Kurz about Kosovo's commitment to work in economic development agenda and the European agenda. Mustafa said he will do whatever possible in order to prevent irregular migration, but also to provide better living conditions for the repatriated people. He also stressed that the government of Kosovo is focused to meet the criteria for visa liberalization process, reports Koha.

Kurti and Kumnova call for popular protest against Jablanovic (Kosovapress)

Albin Kurti, the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, and Nusrete Kumnova, the head of the “Cries of Mothers” missing persons association, told a press conference today in Pristina that a popular protest will be organized on Saturday against Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic. Kurti and Kumnova called on all political parties and civil society to join the protest. Protesters will call on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to dismiss Jablanovic for his insults against the mothers of missing persons in Gjakova.