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University students call on PM Mustafa to dismiss Jablanovic (Zeri)

The Pristina University students together with their professors and other citizens protested today in front of the Kosovo government calling on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to dismiss his Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic. “We are against all Jablanovics here in and Belgrade who violate our national identity,” said Arben Mehmeti, the President of the Student’s Parliament of Pristina University. He added that if there is real justice in Kosovo, Jablanovic should be legally prosecuted for insulting the mothers of missing persons from Gjakova.

Trepca debts “sober up” the Government, Assembly to reconvene in the afternoon (Koha online)

Today’s meeting of the Assembly of Kosovo started with almost one and a half hour delay, and closed only ten minutes later, with an announcement that an extraordinary meeting of the legislation will be held at 14:00 hours.
In the meantime, the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa and his Deputy, Hashim Thaci, gathered with respective Ministers to the Government building, while Serb Ministers gathered separately at another hall.

Limaj: Mustafa destroyed hopes of Kosovo people (Indeksonline)

Fatmir Limaj, the leader of Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) told Rrokum TV that Mustafa government is just a continuation of the previous government of Kosovo. According to him, the large number of deputy ministers that are expected to be appointed, is an abuse of Kosovo budget, because “no minister needs more than one deputy.” Limaj said that the coalition bloc offered hope for Kosovo people, but it was destroyed by Isa Mustafa, who according to him, betrayed the opposition leaders.

Stojanovic and Jablanovic ignore Mustafa, wait on Vucic (Gazeta Tribuna)

Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic and Minister of Communities and Returns, Aleksandar Jablanovic, ignored today the meeting of the Government of Kosovo, led by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. Instead they joined Serb population gathered in Pasjane to wait on the Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. At the same time, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, did not allow the Minister for Diaspora, Valon Murati, to express at the meeting of the Government his opinion on Jablanovic’s insult for the mothers of Gjakova/Djakovica a few days ago, when he called them “beasts.”

Mustafa: Neighbouring countries to also fight criminal groups (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said at the meeting of the National Council on European Integration that the Kosovo government is committed in fighting criminal groups involved in illegal migration but at the same time, so should the neighbouring countries. He added that the government is doing everything to enable the people of Kosovo seasonal employment in European countries and create conditions for foreign investment.

Zbogar to Mustafa: Next four years, challenging for Kosovo (indeksonline)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, hosted on Monday a meeting with head of the European Union Office and Special Representative of the EU in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar.

During the meeting, Mustafa received congratulations for his election as Prime Minister of Kosovo, and was assured on the unreserved support of the EU on complete implementation of governing priorities and goals.

PM Mustafa “ignores” trade unions (Tribuna)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, has not replied to the request of trade unions' representatives for a meeting to discuss the issue of pay raise for the civil servants. The head of Kosovo Healthcare Trade Unions, Blerim Syla, said that if the Prime Minister refuses to see them, a strike will be the unavoidable scenario. “We do not want strikes, but our unionist actions have to protect the workers”, he said.

Kosovo leaders tour historic Serb Monastery (Turkish Weekly)

Kosovo's President and Prime Minister paid a goodwill visit to the monastery of Visoki Decani on Orthodox Christmas in a fresh attempt to bridge differences between Kosovo's Albanians and Serbs.

Kosovo's new Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, called for unity between the country’s two main ethnic groups during a visit with President Atifete Jahjaga to the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Visoki Decani on Wednesday.

“The fight” for LDK leader’s post! (Gazeta Blic)

Lutfi Haziri, member of the chairmanship of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Mayor of Gjilan, is one of the top candidates for the post of LDK leader, according to a high-ranking source within the LDK. The same source said that LDK leader and Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, will most probably run again for the post of LDK chief. “But if Mustafa withdraws from the race, Agim Veliu [senior LDK official] has great ambitions for the post,” the source added.

PM Mustafa persistent: There is no money to increase salaries (Gazeta Blic)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, justified in an interview for Bota press the decision for coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo, calling it “a coalition for the benefit of Kosovo and the only solution that functions within the current constitutional order which offers prosperity and stability.” Speaking about the trade unioninsts' announcements for protests,  Mustafa said that he does not see reasons for protests. “Because I do not see any results from protests.