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Vecernje Novosti: ''Mogherini's suggestion to Belgrade and Pristina: Stop lobbying until a solution is reached''

According to Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti, the European Union's foreign policy chief and mediator in Belgrade and Pristina's dialogue, Federica Mogherini, suggested to the two parties that the Kosovo authorities first abolish the taxes on Serbian products, and then both sides to postpone lobbying until a solution in the dialogue.

Thaci again pokes Belgrade in the eye (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

Announcing the concept of a meeting with the Serbian delegation in Paris on July 1, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has once again "poked Belgrade in the eye," Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti write today.

Daily write that he announced he would present at the talks hosted by French President Emamnuel Macron the idea that Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja join the "territory of the Republic of Kosovo." It would be, he considered, "correcting the historical injustice," Novosti reports.

"It's time for France, too, to withdraw Kosovo recognition" (B92, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

13 countries have reversed their decision to recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, so why wouldn't France the same, asks Alexis Troude.

The French historian is one of the petitioners urging Paris to withdraw its recognition of Kosovo, and is also announcing the launch of this initiative in the French parliament.

Help in Kosovo dialogue is welcome - "but Mogherini stays" (B92, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Federica Mogherini remains the only mediator in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, a spokesperson for the EU foreign policy chief has said.

Speaking for Belgrade's Vecernje Novosti daily, Maja Kocijancic made the comment after it has been hinted that Germany, and France, in particular, could assume an active role in the process.

''CEC decision completely political and against democratic rights'' (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti reports that Stevan Veselinovic, a member of the Serbian List in the CEC, said that this decision was completely political and against the democratic rights of the Serbian people, that it was violation of all elementary rights of the Serbs.

Veselinovic announced an appeal to the Election Appeals Panel and then, if necessary, to higher court instances.

Vecernje Novosti: Elections in Serbia to be called on 9th May, voting in June?

Another option "in the game" is to go to the polls on 30th June, and in this case the elections would be called on 16th May, writes today Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

If Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) goes with a decision to call the extraordinary parliamentary elections, most likely they will be called on May 9th, and the voting will take place on June 23rd, according to Vecernje Novosti.

Chepurin: Dacic and Lavrov to meet on April 17 in Moscow (Vecernje Novosti)

Foreign Ministers of Serbia and Russia, Ivica Dacic and Sergey Lavrov, will meet in Moscow on April 17, reports Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti, quoting Russian Ambassador to Belgrade Alexander Chepurin.

"Confidential contacts between foreign political authorities have become regular," Chepurin noted in his Twitter account. He added that Dacic and Lavrov "complement intensive and friendly dialogue at the highest level - between the leaders of Vladimir Putin and Aleksandar Vucic".

Dacic: The former US administration is preventing a compromise solution for Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti, N1, SRNA)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that the bearers of the former US administration for 20 years prevent the achievement of a compromise and mutually acceptable solution for Kosovo, quote Serbian media.