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French President will visit Serbia in mid-July (FoNet, N1)

Emmanuel Macron, French President, will come to Belgrade in mid-July to confirm good political relations and strengthen the economic links between the two countries, French ambassador to Serbia Frederic Mondoloni said on Thursday, the FoNet news agency reported.

Macron was due in Serbia last November but had to postpone the visit due to the wave of protests in France.

“Our relations are very dynamic and develop in all areas, especially in economy,” the ambassador said.

Thaci again pokes Belgrade in the eye (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

Announcing the concept of a meeting with the Serbian delegation in Paris on July 1, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has once again "poked Belgrade in the eye," Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti write today.

Daily write that he announced he would present at the talks hosted by French President Emamnuel Macron the idea that Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja join the "territory of the Republic of Kosovo." It would be, he considered, "correcting the historical injustice," Novosti reports.

Merkel and Macron "must first mediate in Pristina" (The New York Times, B92, Blic)

The New York Times writes that German Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron should first mediate between Thaci and Haradinaj.

The daily says that Merkel and Macron are to have "any hope of easing tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, and breaking a deadlock in talks on the normalization of relations" - then "analysts say they may first have to broker another peace, between Kosovo's two lead

"No progress, no failure; new talks in Paris in July" (Beta, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic says he does not think there was "any failure" at Monday's meeting in Berlin - adding that it's better to talk than not to talk.

Responding to question from journalists after the summit ended in Berlin, Vucic said that Angela Merkel's and Emmanuel Macron's engagement was very important and showed their determination to preserve peace in the Western Balkans, as by that they also preserve peace in Europe.

Vucic: I told the Serbs to wait for the end of the talks in Berlin (Serbian media)

A meeting of President Aleksandar Vucic with representatives of the Kosovo Serbs was held in the Palace of Serbia. After the meeting, Vucic said in a press conference that he advised them to wait for talks in Berlin, where he will meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, reports Belgrade based news agency Beta.

"Apart from everything else, Pristina is doing some other things. They want to revoke the right of Serbs to an opinion," Vucic said.

Western Balkans a diplomatic dead end, French minister warns (N1, Beta, La Croix)

France must focus on the Western Balkans which have become “a diplomatic dead end”, French European Affairs Minister Nathalie Loiseau said, the Belgrade-based Beta news agency reported.

She told the French daily newspaper La Croix that the European Union has not engaged itself sufficiently in reinforcing the peace in the reigon.
“Things can either go in a good direction or in a bad one” but there can be no status quo, she said.

"If Macron wanted to insult us he wouldn't come to Belgrade" (B92, TV Prva)

If French President Emmanuel Macron meant to intentionally insult Serbia, he would not come to visit Belgrade, says Nikola Selakovic.

Selakovic was referring to the seating arrangement scandal in Paris last Sunday, during the marking of the 100 years since the end of WW1.

Serbia won't react to WW1 ceremony scandal in France – FM (B92, Beta, Tanjug)

Serbia will not lodge a protest with France over the displaying of the flag of Kosovo at the Notre-Dame cathedral, said Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

Dacic explained the absence of any official reaction of Belgrade by the announced visit to Serbia by the French president.
"Bearing in mind the upcoming visit by Emmanuel Macron, the first visit of a French president to Serbia after 18 years, it is my opinion is that this should be left for discussion," Dacic told Belgrade-based daily Politika.

Albanians use Serbian citizenship for arms trade (Sputnik)

Path of illegal arms goes from Kosovo to the European countries, as the KLA has the highest concentration of armament that arrived in the Balkans during nineties from the sovereign states, including France as well, Sputnik daily reported today.

A serial of terrorist attacks that stroke France and fact that the arms from the Balkans was used in one of them, made the French President Emmanuel Macron to point his finger first at Serbia, then the Balkans and to seek better control of light weapons in this area.