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Nikolic: Kosovo is unique according to Resolution 1244 (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said in Adis Ababa that Serbia will never recognize Kosovo's independence, but can recognize its uniqueness (clarifying that by uniqueness he refers to the status of autonomy according to UNSC Resolution 1244 , talks based on that Resolution and the Serbian Constitution). He added that negotiations between Serbia, Kosovo and the EU are in a delicate situation, because dialogue with Pristina is a condition for Serbia’s entry into the Union.

Belgrade: The power of the EU will be tested at the example of A/CSM (Vecernje Novosti)

“Serbia expects that Brussels press Pristina over the formation of Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM) in the southern province. The Kosovo authorities again want to extend the deadlines,” said Milovan Drecun, the Head of the Serbian Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo.

PACE: EU countries to recognize Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

MPs of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament have adopted a resolution on Serbia and Kosovo, welcoming the opening of negotiations on Serbia’s accession to the EU and progress in the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, noting that the recognition of Kosovo, by five EU member states, would help in improving those relations.

Kosovo Serbs in the CoE? (Vecernje Novosti)

The Pristina delegation at the Council of Europe could soon include Kosovo Serbs. The draft resolution from the report by Spanish rapporteur Agustin Conde (which will be discussed by the CoE on Thursday) recommends that the Pristina team also include minorities. Since 2013, Pristina has had two political representatives from the Assembly who are able participate in the work of various Commissions. They have the right to express their voices, but not to vote.

Conclusions of the court deny Ivanovic's guilt! (Vecernje Novosti)

Oliver Ivanovic was director of the state company "Feronikl", at the time of the commission of war crimes in Kosovo in April 1999,  and it has been found that he was not a leader of the paramilitary group that carried out the crime. Ivanovic did not issue an order for the execution of the crime, and he was not directly involved in the killings. These are the conclusions of the Trial Chamber of the Municipal Court in northern Mitrovica, which sentenced Oliver Ivanovic to nine years in prison for alleged war crimes.

Lawyer: We have greater confidence in EULEX judges (Vecernje Novosti)

Defenders of Oliver Ivanovic will respond today to the prosecutor's appeal, who insists that the leader of CI SDP should remain in jail until the final verdict, instead of currently being in house arrest. “Regardless of everything we have greater confidence in the international EULEX judges,” said Ljubomir Pantović, Ivanovic's attorney.

When do you expect a written verdict of the Trial Chamber according to which Ivanovic was sentenced to nine-years in prison? 

Rasic: A/CSM will not satisfy the interests of Serbs, but it is a great victory for Belgrade (Vecernje Novosti)

"Statute of the Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM) will not satisfy the interests of the Kosovo Serbs, but this will be a great success for Belgrade's policy towards Kosovo," said MP of the Serbian List in the Kosovo parliament Nenad Rasic. He added that the A/CSM is more a political issue than one that will have an impact on the life of the Kosovo Serbs. Rasic believes that there is little chance that the Serbian List will be united in the next elections.

Brussels will not draw the boundary (Vecernje Novosti)

The announcement of the Kosovo Minister for dialogue Edita Tahiri that Pristina wants to talk about the demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Serbia during 2016, Belgrade sees as a provocation which spoils the atmosphere of dialogue.

On this occasion, the Head of the Parliamentary Committee for KiM Milovan Drecun ruled out the possibility of talks on any borders during the Brussels dialogue.