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"Borders erased between states - new ones drawn in Serbia" (Vecernje Novosti, B92, Tanjug, Blic)

Why new borders are being drawn within Serbia if Europe is uniting by erasing borders between states, Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej has asked.

"I am not dealing with politics when I'm saying this but, as the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, I am contemplating further consequences of a fragmented Serbia living in a 'united' Europe. This is too serious issue to be dealt by politicians with a limited duration," the Patriarch told Vecernje Novosti daily.

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue will resume after the holidays (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

EU foreign policy Chief Federica Mogherini will invite Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa to meet in Brussels after New Year's and Christmas holidays.

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes, quoting "EU diplomatic circles".

A new round of the Kosovo dialogue, in Brussels, should be scheduled after the Constitutional Court in Pristina take a decision on the constitutionality of the agreement on the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO).

Brussels hides content of the legally binding agreement with Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Nobody in the EU currently knows how the famous legally binding agreement between "Serbia and Kosovo" will look like. Head of the Serbian negotiating team in the process of EU integration Tanja Miscevic says: “Neither the EU, nor Belgrade so far defined what would be the end of the dialogue. Agreement on comprehensive normalization will depend on the course of dialogue. What falls under the “comprehensive” depends from the dialogue, and does not depend on EU talks for membership.”

The draft resolution on Kosovo in CoE (Vecernje Novosti)

The Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE adopted in Brussels, the preliminary draft resolution "The situation in Kosovo and the role of the Council of Europe." The report deals with the issues related to the respect for human rights, rule of law, the position of minorities in Kosovo and democracy.

Kosovo in UN through back door (Vecernje Novosti)

From the beginning of 2016, Pristina is preparing to launch a serious campaign for the admission of Kosovo in the UN, quoted sources from diplomatic circles. However, in that case Kosovo will face with insurmountable obstacle, reflected in Russian and the probable Chinese veto. The only thing which Pristina can do in order to enter East River is candidacy for permanent observer of non-member state, or the status by which the Palestine was received in UN, three years ago.

World must protect the Serbian heritage in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

In an interview given to daily Novosti, former minister in French government and candidate for the president of the Paris region, Valerie Pecresse said: “We will accept representatives of the Serbian religious community, so they could inform us about their experiences related to the dramatic situation in Kosovo. We must find the way to protect the exceptional Serbian orthodox heritage. We have responsibility to help the communities that are endangered. That should be the universal role of France in the world.

Protests threaten the peace (Vecernje Novosti)

“It would be more logical that the opposition protests are directed against the difficult economic situation in Kosovo, the high unemployment rate, or corruption, instead of protests against Association / Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM), which actually cannot harm the Albanians,” said Slavko Simic, President of the Serbian List, in regards to the recent protests in Gjakovica / Gjakove.

Maric: Serbs are afraid of riots (KIM radio, Vecernje Novosti)

Kosovo Minister for Local Self- Government Ljubomir Maric said that the Serbs in Kosovo were intimidated and afraid that the riots in Pristina might spill over into areas with Serbian majority.

He told Vecernje Novosti that the events in Pristina were internal conflict within the Albanian community, but that one should respond promptly to these events, because that could lead, as he said, to destabilization of the situation in Kosovo.

Serbs fear the new pogrom (Vecernje Novosti)

Until there is an on-going chaos on the streets of Pristina, because Albanian opposition parties launched battle against the establishment of ZSO by tear gas, pepper-spray and Molotov cocktails, representatives of Serbs in the province fear that unrest could spill over into areas where Serbs live. Therefore, they invite people to be cautious, and also urge all relevant institutions, including international, to stop the violence.