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Migrants to use a new route - through Kosovo (Vesti)

If the situation deteriorates in Syria, Afghanistan, and if Turkey decides, depending on the outcome of negotiations with the European Union, to direct refugees to Europe, which are stationed in this country, in late October, Serbia could face a new big wave of migrants that would arrive through so far little used route - through Kosovo.

Serbian Police Director at the regional conference in front of the Kosovo flag (Vesti, KoSSev)

The police directors of Serbia, Kosovo, Albania and FYROM have participated at the regional conference in Skopje. The conference was organized in order to strengthen cooperation between the police of the Western Balkans and coordinate further action in relation to terrorism and organized crime in the Balkans, stated the EU mission in Kosovo.

Janjić: It is important to prepare indictments well (Vesti)

Dusan Janjić, Director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, says that it is important to prepare well indictments.

- It is about the prosecutor who is familiar with the region and the work. For the situation in Kosovo and among the Albanians, it is very important that this is a citizen of USA. Objectively, trials awaits new budget, March of 2017. I assume that this is the period in which the prosecutor will decide whether to start with small or larger cases, and will he tie several cases - Janjić told Vesti.

EULEX fired Serbs who do not speak Albanian?! (media)

Kosovo Serbs employed at the headquarters of the EULEX mission in Pristina accused the mission of discrimination on ethnic and linguistic grounds due to the announcement on non-extension of their contracts, because they do not understand or do not speak fluent Albanian.

As stated in the announcement of their legal representative, Axel Reiter, "it is almost certain that, from November, no Kosovo Serb will work in the EULEX headquarters in Pristina."

Protests in Pristina - a compliment for Jeremić (Vesti)

For the third time, members of the UN Security Council on Monday will give its opinion on candidates for the future UN Secretary General.  The candidate of Serbia Vuk Jeremić came in second place after the previous round of voting in the East River, right behind Antonio Guterres, the Portuguese.

According to Nikola Jovanović, one of the closest associates of Jeremić, and Director of CIRSD, a former chief of Serbian diplomacy awaits the next round with cautious optimism.

Proposal to reward the person who would reveal the locations of potential grave sites (Vesti)

A member of the working group for drafting the law on missing persons, Lawyer Miroslav Perković proposes that Serbia initiate the adoption of a regional law that would, after more than twenty years since the end of the war, not only solve the problem of missing persons but also and competence of the prosecution of war crimes.

A key innovation of this law would be a reward for all those who would report a location of yet undiscovered mass graves to the competent authorities.

Thaçi's arrival deepens the wounds (Vesti)

Families of Serbs who were killed in 1999 in Staro Gracko near Lipljan/Lipjan believe that Hashim Thaçi, Kosovo President, who yesterday laid flowers at the memorial to the victims in this village, with such a gesture, laughed in the face of the families of the victims and to all those who deal with investigations crimes committed against Serbs.

Sonja Živić, the wife of one of the killed reapers, said to Srna agency that Thaçi's arrival to Staro Gracko was "sprinkling salt on the wounds."


Serbs are leaving because there is no support (Vesti)

“Serbian community in Kosovo is not able to impose itself as a political factor and that is our biggest problem. The economic situation has worsened, in particular due to the silent budget cuts from Serbia, and also because international community is currently focused only on the north. Due to the poor economic situation, more and more Serbs decide to go. Never less Serbs lived in Kosovo then now,” said Slobodan Petrović, vice president of the Assembly of Kosovo.