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"I mentioned border, and then..." Vucic talks about Kosovo (B92, Tanjug)

Aleksandar Vucic says he has not been presenting any details about his proposal to solve the Kosovo issue - "because he has nothing anyone would accept."

Vucic added that he was "seeking compromise the whole time."

The president was asked by reporters - after touring the newly built X-knife Center at the Clinical-Hospital Center (KBC) in Belgrade - why he never presented his plan and the details that he had indicated, as he said, to the leaders in Brussels and to the Pristina side.

B92: "4 countries want to keep any talk of Kosovo away from UN" (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes on Wednesday that the UK, USA, France and Sweden are trying to keep any story about Kosovo, including Pristina's steps towards the formation of an 'army', away from the UN Security Council.

According to the daily, these four countries try to prevent including of the discussion on Kosovo' situation into agenda of the next session of the Council, scheduled for 8th November.

"WB6 Investment Forum, business people will unify Region" (B92, CorD)

Although the establishment of the Chamber Investment Forum has shown itself to be a great move that's yielding tangible results in terms of increases level of trade and business cooperation, support from the governments of the region remains insufficient. We see one possible solution to this in the establishment of ministries for regional cooperation within each government, just as Nordic countries have regional cooperation ministers

Brussels first time "about changing borders" (KIM radio, B92, Tanjug)

The European Parliament has adopted an amendment related to talks on possible border corrections.

Secretary general of the European Movement in Serbia, Suzana Grubjesic, told Tanjug agency that the amendment was adopted as part of the solution within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, in order to try to "pull out" Brussels dialogue from the deadlock.

Dacic about the dilemma "EU or Kosovo'' (B92, RTS)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and his Romanian counterpart Teodor Meleșcanu opened on Tuesday in Timisoara the conference "Security Challenges in the Balkans", Serbian media reported.

Dacic said in connection to the insistence to reach the solution within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina but which would not affect others, that one forgets that solutions were made which destroyed the territorial integrity of Serbia.

"PfP program optimal form of cooperation with NATO" (B92)

Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin met on Monday in Belgrade with Chairman of the NATO Military Committee General Stuart Pеаch.

According to the Serbian government, Vulin said that Serbia is firmly committed to maintaining the position of military neutrality and that the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program is the optimal form of cooperation with that organization.

Vucic feels "a bit better" after agreement with Stoltenberg (B92, Beta)

President Aleksandar Vucic says he has agreed with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg that in the event of a crisis in Kosovo, they can quickly make contact.

He said that this procedure has been established in order to prevent conflicts and more serious consequences.

Vucic said that he asked Stoltenberg not to reduce the KFOR mission in Kosovo, "as it is the only protection for the Serb people."