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"Kosovo has enough votes to join UNESCO? Big lie" (B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said late on Thursday that the claim Pristina has enough votes to join UNESCO was "a big lie."

"In all the meetings the president and I have had here, this subject was also discussed," said Dacic, who is in New York as part of the Serbian delegation, led by Aleksandar Vucic, taking part in the UN General Assembly.

Vucic goes to NYC, to address UN General Assembly (B92, Tanjug)

Aleksandar Vucic is traveling to New York on Monday, where he will stay until September 23.

The Serbian president will have a series of meetings, and participate in the UN General Assembly.

According to Tanjug, Vucic will attend the Sustainable Development Summit of the World Economic Forum and is also expects to meet with Philipp Rosler, a member of the organization's Executive Board.

"Serbia's EU accession depends on relations with Kosovo" (B92)

EP rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister says negotiations on Serbia's EU accession EU require "constant movement towards better relations with Kosovo".
He told the Belgrade-based tabloid Kurir that "this process should gradually lead to the normalization of relations between the two sides, with both being able to exercise their rights and fulfill their responsibilities."

West preparing anti-Russia media offensive in Serbia – daily (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

America and its NATO allies are preparing for a fierce anti-Russian media offensive in our country, writes the Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti.

The paper said it learned that a portion of the USD 250 million that the US Congress has allocated to the Countering Russian Influence Fund for fiscal years 2017 and 2018, will soon arrive in Serbia.

Juncker: Western Balkans in EU - Not Before 2019 (B92)

The conditions for Western Balkan countries to join the EU membership will not be met before the end of the mandate of the current European Commission (EC).

EC President Jean-Claude Juncker said this on Wednesday, during his "state of the union" address at the European Parliament.

Beta is reporting that Juncker "stressed the EU will have more than 27 member states in the coming years."

B92: Vucic "backs Serbs in Kosovo cabinet; Haradinaj is criminal" (Serbian media)

Aleksandar Vucic late on Tuesday said that Kosovo and Metohija represents the essence of the political "present time, and the future" of Serbia.

Besides, the Serbian president said that he supported the decision of the Serb (Srpska) List to enter the Kosovo government - while Serbia "would not change its opinion" on the new Kosovo government's head, Ramush Haradinaj.

Russia "depends on Serbia as its key launching ground" (B92, RFE, Beta)

Russia will continue to try to influence the events in the Balkans, where Serbia is its most important link that serves as a launching ground.

This is according to Beta, which quoted Mark Galeotti of the Institute of International Relations Prague, who spoke for Radio Free Europe's Bosnia-Herzegovina/Serbia/Montenegro service.

EU membership is Serbia's top foreign policy goal, PM says (B92)

Membership in the EU is the most important foreign policy goal of Serbia, Serbia's PM Brnabic has told a visiting British official.

However, she added during her meeting in Belgrade with Permanent Undersecretary at the Foreign Office Simon McDonald, "it is equally important how we will implement reforms on the path to membership."

B92: Serbs join new Kosovo government led by Haradinaj (Serbian media)

The 120-seat Kosovo Assembly on Sunday elected Ramush Haradinaj, the PDK-led coalition candidate, as new head of the Kosovo government.

61 voted in favor, while one member of the Assembly abstained.

After the session, members of the Self-Determination and the coalition gathered around the LDK left the session and did not attend the taking of the oath of office of Haradinaj and the members of his government.