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Scott: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue must continue (TV N1)

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on normalization of relations must continue, despite the shock caused by the murder of the leader of Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Oliver Ivanovic, USA Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scot told TV N1.

The Ambassador Scot expressed condolence to the family and all those who knew Oliver Ivanovic.

Commenting on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic visit to Kosovo, following the murder of Ivanovic, USA Ambassador Scott said it was “right” decision, TV N1 reported.

Bozovic: Individuals to refrain from comments on Ivanovic (FoNet, Vreme, N1)

Deputy leader of Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Ksenija Bozovic told Vreme weekly, that she appeals to individuals, both in Kosovo and Belgrade, to refrain from comments on Oliver Ivanovic, as they know very well what Oliver Ivanovic thought of them and to stop using his murder and tragedy for political marketing.

Pristina requests information from Serbian prosecution on Ivanovic’s murder (RTS)

Kosovo bodies have sent two requests to the Serbian Organized Crime Prosecution asking for specific information within the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, Serbian Justice Minister, Nela Kuburovic told RTS, adding the Ministry would respond to these requests.

Speaking for the RTS main news edition, Kuburovic also said that a written response came from Pristina related to the Serbian Prosecution request to receive all information Pristina has gathered during an initial phase of investigation.

Milena Ivanovic: It is not true Vucic refused to meet my husband (Danas,Tanjug, RTS)

Wife of murdered Oliver Ivanovic, Milena Ivanovic told Danas daily it is not true that the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic refused to meet with her husband, a few days prior to his murder.

Following the statement of the Serbian President Vucic “that he helped Ivanovic more than some other politicians,” speculations appeared in higher political cycles on alleged Vucic’s refusal to meet Oliver Ivanovic, Serbian media reported.

Milena Ivanovic said this information is not accurate.

Kosovo Police about speculations on Oliver Ivanovic’s murder (Bota Sot)

Kosovo Police made a statement with regards to the reporting that Milan Radojcic is suspected to have been involved on Oliver Ivanovic’s murder. “No one said that (Milan Radojcic) is expected to be arrested. We do not expect interference on the work of prosecutor in any aspect. Police investigators are working under authorization and each action is initiated by authorization of the prosecutors,” Hoti said.

He added that security bodies do not dare to speculate or prejudge based on such reporting.

An Assassination Could Be Just What Kosovo Needed (Foreign Policy)

A tragic death could spark a lasting peace in the Balkans’ most restive region.

In March 2003, a sniper enlisted by a powerful criminal gang shot dead Serbia’s young reformist prime minister, Zoran Djindjic. In an instant, the promise of a clean break — for Serbia and for the region — from the Slobodan Milosevic era was dashed. Djindjic’s successors returned Serbia to the self-pitying past, most notably on the emotive issue of Kosovo.

Rada Trajkovic: I respect Vucic's statement (Danas, FoNet)

Serbian leader from Kosovo and professor of the Medical Faculty in northern Mitrovica, Dr. Rada Trajkovic, told FoNet news agency that she "highly respects" the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about the extent of support she has in Kosovo among Serbs, noting that such statements were given and about the support Oliver Ivanovic had, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.