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"No new details" in Ivanovic murder probe - Kosovo police (Tanjug)

There are no new details in the investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the Kosovo police said on Monday.

But a working group set up to conduct the investigation is working in full capacity and the doors for cooperation are not closed to anyone, Deputy Commander of the Kosovo Police in North Mitrovica Besim Hoti has told Tanjug.

Milovic: People did not fail exam, politicians did (New Press Produkcija, KoSSev portal)

After the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, Mitrovica North is a city without a soul. While Oliver Ivanovic was alive, north of Kosovo and Mitrovica North had their souls. People had hope situation would eventually get better for us and our children. There was optimism, Dragisa Milovic, former mayor of Zvecan municipality and politician said in Slobodno srpski TV broadcast.

Autonomous Liberal Party (SLS) marked 12th anniversary (KoSSev portal)

Autonomous Liberal Party (SLS) marked its 12th anniversary with a working session instead of celebration and paid a tribute to murdered Oliver Ivanovic, KoSSev portal reported on Sunday.

“The best among us was killed, man and politician, our friend Oliver Ivanovic,” “a tragedy that shaken everybody in Kosovo and beyond, and brought additional fear and uneasiness among the Serbs in Kosovo,” with these and similar statements and the minute of silence, Autonomous Liberal Party marked its anniversary.

McAllister: To arrest Ivanovic’s killers as soon as possible (Vecernje Novosti)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia, David McAllister said in an interview to Vecernje Novosti daily that this horrible crime should not inflame dangerous rhetoric in the region.

He again condemned the murder of Oliver Ivanoic and expressed sincere condolence to his family. McAllister underlined that the responsible judicial institutions must conduct a swift and professional investigation and bring perpetrators before the justice.

Political pressure to (reach) joint investigation team (Danas)

Could Serbian Government by conditioning continuation of the Brussels dialogue and Srpska Lista by “freezing” existence of the Kosovo Government, that depends on its votes, help official Belgrade to become a part of the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, Danas daily wrote on Friday.

Diplomatic sources told Danas daily that due to Pristina’s refusal to involve official Belgrade in the investigation, Belgrade can only count on exchange of information.

Bozovic: Still without information on Ivanovic’s murder investigation (FoNet, Danas)

Deputy Leader of Civic Initiative, Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Ksenija Bozovic told FoNet news agency the party did not receive yet any information related to the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder.

“I neither know what is going on nor how far the investigation of Oliver’s murder has reached,” Bozovic said, adding that she and the party’s secretary gave statements to the police a few days ago.

Hoti: Dynamic work on gathering evidence on murder, Rakic requests police to issue press release on course of investigation (Danas)

The only official information related to the investigation of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, so far is that the Working Group established by Kosovo Government, with permission of a public prosecutor “dynamically works to gather evidence,” Danas daily reported.

"We should lose only what we have to lose," Vucic says (RTS, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told RTS that the inevitable topic in Davos was Kosovo and Metohija.

He said that it us "up to us to try to talk and reach a compromise, and lose only what we have to."

"This means not losing what we must not lose, and if you want to define it in this way, to lose only what we have to. I think that is something that is normal, rational," Vucic said.

Rakocevic: Kosovo government should have fallen down after murder of Ivanovic (NewPress, RTS, KIM Radio)

A journalist from Kosovo, Zivojin Rakocevic thinks that the government of Ramush Haradinaj, “should have fallen down because of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic” or “at least to freeze its existence till the moment when it becomes known who have killed him,” Serbian media reported.