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Serbian Justice Minister denies the prosecution in Pristina on (non) cooperation in the investigation of Ivanovic’s murder (Serbian media, Albanian media)

Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic on Wednesday denied claims of the authorities in Pristina that the Serbian authorities were not cooperating in the investigation into the murder of Kosovo Serb political leader Oliver Ivanovic.

She said that Belgrade has been persistently replying to Pristina’s demands and has been waiting for months to get information and evidence.

“Give single evidence and we will arrest Radoicic” (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told opposition which is alleging Milan Radoicic is a murderer to go to the police if they have evidence for their claims, Tanjug news agency reports.

He added in that case Radoicic would be immediately arrested.

“Just provide a single evidence, not empty stories (…). No one wants to hide a murderer. I hope there would be swift progress in this case, so we can see at the end who was telling the truth and who did not,” Vucic said.


Reactions to Srpska Lista waiting for Hahn: “They are shifting the public focus from the arrest of those suspected of killing Oliver Ivanovic” (Kossev)

Srpska Lista MPs have been in the Kosovo Assembly since yesterday waiting for the arrival of European Commissioner Johannes Hahn in order to inform him about Pristina’s „anti-Serb moves“ that are leading toward „a humanitarian catastrophe“ of the Serbian people in Kosovo.

They are protesting against the 100% custom taxes imposed on Serbian products arriving into Kosovo. Hahn does not have an officially scheduled meeting with them.

Stefanovic blames EU over unresolved case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder (BETA, B92)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic said that due to “bad treatment” by EULEX, respectively the EU, the case of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder has not been resolved yet, BETA news agency reported.

“I do not expect much from Pristina institutions, but I expect from EULEX not to treat this case with negligence, because we do not have this case solved due to bad treatment by the EU.”

He also asked where is EULEX in the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, where are the people from the EU, where is special police, Serbian media reported.

“Why didn’t they leave Haradinaj’s government?” (Danas)

I think the resignations should have been submitted at all levels, and not only that mayors of the northern municipalities do so. I think it makes no sense to call for the national unity and remain in Kosovo government and institutions, deputy leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Ksenija Bozovic said, Danas daily reports.

Srpska Lista condemned police detention of Silvana Arsovic (RTV Puls)

By latest arrest and ungrounded detention of our co-citizen Silvana Arsovic, who is known as a true friend of murdered Oliver Ivanovic, institutional violence and pressure against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija continue, Srpska Lista said in a press statement, RTV Puls reports.

The aim of this ungrounded arrest is an attempt to divert public’s attention from decision of the Kosovo institutions to ban distribution of goods in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, thus impairing the lives and intimidating citizens, and trying to force them out of their home places.

“Silvana’s destiny more important than mayor’s resignation” (Radio KIM)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) municipal councilor Marko Jaksic did not take part in today’s extraordinary session of Mitrovica North, because he is waiting for an end of Silvana Arsovic’s hearing at the police, Radio KIM reports.

The prosecutor started her interrogation at 10.00 this morning, and previously she was sent to 48-hour detention over alleged aid in committing criminal act of a grave murder.

“Radoicic did not kill Ivanovic, he is the one they wanted to kill” (B92, BETA, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told RTS, the Serbian state and the police with certainty can claim that Milan Radoicic did not kill the leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Oliver Ivanovic.

Vucic added, Radoicic was interrogated in Belgrade and it has been confirmed that he did not take part in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

“He accepted and passed polygraph test, I will not talk about other things. He did not murder him, neither participated in logistic nor helping anything else (related to the murder),” Vucic underlined.

“Prosecution acted on all Pristina’s requests” (Prva TV, Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Prosecution for Organized Crime acted on all Pristina’s requests and interrogated all persons in relation to the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic told Serbian media.

She said Milan Radoicic was also interrogated yesterday in order to cast away any doubt that he has taken part in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.