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Making link between EU and Nazis abhorrent - spokesman (B92, Tanjug)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Stickers proclaiming the EU mission in Kosovo was the enemy of the Serb people and calling on it "to go home" have appeared in Kosovska Mitrovica.

The messages, plastered on traffic signs across Kosovska Mitrovica overnight, show the EULEX logo and the swastika, along with the message, "EULEX - enemy of the Serb people. "

Some of the stickers read "EULEX go home," and also appeared at several locations in the town of Zubin Potok, also in northern Kosovo.

"The author" of the posters is unknown, Tanjug reported.

Labels against EULEX appear overnight in Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

In Mitrovica last night, messages urging EULEX to go home were plastered at various locations in the city, including traffic signs. The posters add that the EU mission in Kosovo is "the enemy of the Serbian people."

The labels feature a swastika next to the EULEX logo.

Some of the labels contain the words: "EULEX GO HOME". Aside from Mitrovica, the messages have also been seen at several locations in Zubin Potok.

The perpetrator is not known.

Jaksic: Serbs leaving Kosovo after Brussels agreement was signed (Beta)

A statement of the former minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic that more and more Serbs are leaving southern province has prompted reactions of Serbian politicians from Kosovo.

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) official Marko Jaksic assessed that Serbs are ‘silently migrating’ from Kosovo and that such process has now been affecting and northern Kosovo where Serbs are majority. On the other side Mayor of Northern Mitrovica Goran Rakic and President of the Municipal Assembly of Northern Mitrovica Ksenija Bozovic did not agree with such assessment.

Ban requests establishment of Special Court by early 2015 at the latest (Koha)

The paper reports on page two that United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in his quarterly report on Kosovo, has called on Kosovo institutions to establish, by early 2015 at the latest, the Special Court that will handle allegations of war crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army. In his report, Ban talks about the political situation in the country, with special emphasis on the northern part of Mitrovica following tensions after the construction of the Peace Park on Ibër/Ibar River.

Bahtiri: We insisted on barricades removal (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo delegation was unified and insisted on the removal of all barricades in Mitrovica as soon as possible as they are placed in violation to the Kosovo laws and agreements reached in Brussels, reads a press release issued by Mitrovica municipality upon return of its mayor, Agim Bahtiri, from Brussels as part of the Kosovo delegation.