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Action of the release of usurped property will be continued (RTK2)

During the visit to the Kosovo Privatization Agency, Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said that the government will not interfere in the work of the Agency. "We support the work of the Agency and we are working to amend the law. The Agency is very important for the economic development and did an outstanding job in the release of the usurped property, "said Mustafa.

Do we expect too much from the Brussels meetings? (RTK2)

“One of the reasons why the Brussels negotiations, as well as the last meeting at the technical level, become meaningless and do not lead towards the interests of the Serbian community, lies in the quality of the Serbian government’s representatives who lead the talks. They, as well the local representatives and academics are passive,” considered Živorad Lazić from the Serbian national forum.  “At one time, the Kingdom of Serbia hired its greatest intellectuals, such as Branislav Nušić, Milan Rakić, and academician Elezović.

Office for KiM condemns demolition of the memorial plaque (RTK2)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo strongly condemned the repeated demolition of a memorial plaque dedicated to the missing journalists of Radio Pristina, Ɖuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenić. “The fourth time vandals have destroyed a memory on the innocent victims of the conflict. We expect that the authorities will, unlike previous times, finally do something, so that people responsible for this disgrace will be punished,” reads the statement of the Office for KiM.

Rašić: Ombudsman to be from non-majority communities (RTK2)

The Ombudsperson of Kosovo should be from non-majority communities, said MP Nenad Rašić at a meeting of the Assembly.

"While I appreciate the work of the Ombudsman Jashari, I believe that Ombudsperson should be from non-majority communities since it concerns the position and rights of non-majority communities, the weakest links in any society," said Rašić.

Assembly to decide on census in the north (RTK2)

Draft Law on Census in four municipalities in northern Kosovo should be on the agenda of the next parliamentary session, while the census should be organized by the end of 2016. The majority of MPs, including the MPs of the Serbian List, voted to postpone discussion of the law for the next session, when elected representative of the Government should present to the MPs the content of the law. "Since census is very important process, it is essential that someone from the government explain and present it.

Journalists’ associations request annulment of election of RTK2 director (TV Most)

Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo requested from the RTK board of directors to annul the decision on election of the RTK2 (channel in Serbian language) director, because the elected candidate is not meeting the criteria provided by the Law on RTK. Nikola Krstić, who was elected by the RTK board for this post, used to be deputy Mayor of Štrpce/Shtërpcë Municipality until 2015, reads UNS communique.


Kosovo Serbs protest against Serb candidate for RTK2 director (Koha)

Several Kosovo Serbs protested today in front of the Radio Kosova against the selection of the director for RTK2.  Darko Dimitrijević, one of the candidates for director of RTK2 said the selection of the candidate was done in an unprofessional manner. According to him, the whole process was not transparent since the list of all the candidates competing for this post was not made public. With banners "RTK 2 belongs to citizens, not the board" and "Respect the law," the protesters said they will not allow such violations to go forward.