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Serbian parties will support government under certain conditions (RTK2)

Although still it is not in sight which party could form a new government of Kosovo, minority political parties put forward their demands, in return for the support to the future government. If it wants the support of the Serbian List, the future Kosovo government will have to make some concessions.

The houses of returnees in Ljevosa burglarized (RTK2)

Three houses of Serb returnees in the village Ljevoša near Pec have been burglarized previous night, told village representative Ranko Bakic. The owners of the houses are in Central Serbia, so it is not known whether the thieves took some of the things, said Bakic.

This is not the first time that houses of returnees are the target of the attack. Twenty days ago, in the same way was broken into 6 houses. The returnees see latest events as a message that they are not welcome, and that they irritate someone. This and the previous burglaries were reported to the Kosovo police.

Rakic calls Gashi not to threaten with bulldozers (RTK2)

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakic urged the Minister of Spatial Planning in the government of Kosovo Dardan Gashi, not to test the good will of people and the management of the northern part of the city, and to solve problems peacefully and in civilized manner.

"You cannot advocate for an agreed solution and to threat. This is contradictory. I think that threats of demolishing the Peace park are part of rhetoric of the past, that are behind us and we do not want to repeat ," said Rakic, reacting on the latest views of the outgoing Minister of Spatial Planning.

After legislative amendments, establishment of the ZSO (RTK2)

“No matter which political option will form the government, the Serbian List has decided to take part in the government. The priority of the Serbian List will be work, in order to achieve the interests of the Serbian community,” says Dragan Jablaniović, a member of the team for the implementation of the Brussels agreement. 

Ministry of returns must exist in the new government (RTK2)

Outgoing Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic said that Serbs must fight for return and survival through the institutions. Jevtic believes that there will be no new elections, because it is not in the interest of the parties which became parliamentary parties after elections. "New elections would influence many processes and the daily lives of people. In that sense, I think we should move in the direction of solving these problems, whereas new elections would only create more problems. " 

Petrovic: SLS not in crisis (RTK2)

The main board of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) yesterday deliberated for more than two hours on eventual participation in the future Kosovo government, election results, and the disbanding of the municipal branches in Štrpce/Shtërpcë and Istok/Istog, It was decided that party elections will take place in two months.

In past days members of the SLS mainly communicated through media and handouts. However, the party leader Slobodan Petrovic said to RTK2 that the SLS is not in crisis.


Complete Istok/Istog municipal board resigned (RTK2)

The whole Municipal Board of Independent Liberal Party (SLS) from Istok/Istog submitted resignation from all positions and membership in the party. This is the second municipal board that collectively left the party of outgoing Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Slobodan Petrovic, after Strpce/Shterpce Board did the same, one day ago. 

Vesna Maliković, member of the SLS Main Board, president of Istok/Istog municipal board Dragan Repanović, Deputy President and 12 members of municipal board, as well as all members of the party, which is 241 persons, had left the party. 

Bans to enter Kosovo due to violation of the agreement (RTK2)

In order to get permission to enter Kosovo, officials of the Serbian government have to restrain from interfering in internal Kosovo’s affairs and political rhetoric, said to RTK2 Bajram Rexhepi, Minister of Internal Affairs. Serbian officials cannot have visits of political nature.

When Marko Djuric, Director of the Office for KiM, was prevented from entering Kosovo, the issue of frequent ban on visits by Serbian officials in Kosovo got actualized.