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Kurti calls for Haradinaj’s resignation at political parties’ roundtable (Kallxo/RTK)

Leader of Vetevendosje, Albin Kurti, called for the resignation of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj saying he is not a genuine prime minister and has only been “rented out” to the post by President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci. “Thaci has rented out the prime minister. Haradinaj should resign and we should head to elections,” Kurti said. He said that if Haradinaj doesn’t resign, he should at least initiate a motion of no-confidence.

Court gives verdict on ‘Medicus’ case (Koha/Kallxo)

The Basic Court in Pristina has announced today its decision in the so-called ‘Medicus’ case and found the owner of the clinic Lutfi Dervishi guilty on charges of human trafficking and organised crime. Dervishi was previously convicted on the same charges for his role in the illegal organ transplants that took place in his clinic but the case went to retrial. The court said the prosecution managed to prove that Dervishi was aware of the illegal practices in his clinic and was personally involved in them.

Haradinaj: Visa liberalisation news this year (Kallxo)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said in a Facebook post ahead of Europe Day that this year will be the end of Kosovo’s isolation. “We will receive the well-deserved news of visa liberalisation this year and we are heading determinedly towards gaining the EU candidate status,” Haradinaj wrote. He said EU integration is the main priority of Kosovo and “the youth is our energy needed to walk to European future.”

Kosovo bans entrance to Serbian government car carrying March riot footage (Kallxo)

A vehicle with Serbian government license plates has not been allowed entrance to Kosovo at the crossing point of Jarinje after it was found carrying over 200 CDs regarding 2004 March riots, Kallxo reports quoting Kosovo Police sources. There were three passengers in the car who told the police the CDs contained footage of events in March of 2004. The prosecutor ordered the confiscation of CDs while the three persons were not allowed entrance to Kosovo under the justification that they represent a danger for public order and internal security.


President of Court in Mitrovica resigns (Kallxo)

Nikola Kabasic, president of the Basic Court in Mitrovica, has handed over his resignation to the Kosovo Judicial Council which is deliberating on whether to accept it or not. Kabasic was appointed to the post several months ago when the judicial institutions in the north integrated into the Kosovo’s legal system in line with the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia. Reasons behind his resignation are not known as yet.


War crimes charges dropped against slain Ivanovic (B92, RTS, Kallxo)

One month after the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the Basic Court in Kosovska Mitrovica has formally ended the case where he stood accused of war crimes.

According to RTS - which cited the Pristina-based website Kallxo - the court decided to dismiss the indictment for war crimes against Ivanovic, a Serb politician from northern Kosovo.

Person arrested for trying to illegally enter U.S. KFOR base (Kallxo)

A person has been arrested after trying to illegally enter Bondsteel, the U.S. KFOR base in Kosovo. The incident is reported to have occurred last night at around 8 p.m. The daily police report stated that the suspect is believed to suffer from a mental disorder and that this was not the first time he tried to commit the same act.

Apostolova: Initiative to abolish special court, dangerous and unprecedented (Kallxo/Zeri)

Kallxo reports that European Union considers the initiative for repealing the specialist chambers to be “dangerous” while the head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova, said such a move would undermine Kosovo’s credibility. “Abrogation of Law on Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecution Office would be a dangerous move undermining rule of law and credibility of Kosovo as EU partner. I call on political leaders to put national interest first and work for the common good and further European integration,” Apostolova wrote in a Twitter post.

Protest announced against Serb visitors celebrating Orthodox Christmas (Kallxo)

A civic initiative in Gjakova/Djakovica has announced it plans to organise a peaceful protest to oppose the visit of Serb pilgrims on the occasion of Orthodox Christmas. The organizers of the protest said the visitors include war criminals and added that they have asked the prosecution to raise an indictment against the mayor of Gjakova/Djakovica during the period of conflict. Ideal Zhaveli, one of the organizers, said their protest will begin at 8 o’clock on Saturday.