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North Macedonia Supreme Court confirmed that former KLA member Morina won’t be extradite to Serbia (Beta, N1, KoSSev)

The Supreme Court of North Macedonia confirmed Tomor Morina, a former soldier of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) would not be extradited to Serbia despite Interpol warrant issued on Belgrade’s request, the Beta news agency reported on Wednesday.

After going through the documents that Belgrade sent on August 5, and having in mind the international practice so far, Skopje’s Criminal Court said a week ago that the conditions for Morina’s extradition were not met.

Dacic: They said revoking of recognitions was not true, and now ask us to stop with that (FoNet, TV N1, TV Pink)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said Serbia would continue pursuing its policy resulting in revoking recognitions of Kosovo independence, adding that by doing so Serbia does not want to irritate Pristina or the international community, but simply to protect its interests, FoNet news agency reports.

Commenting on Quint states’ message to Belgrade to cease campaign for revoking recognitions of Kosovo Dacic said it indicates that (revoking of recognitions) is true and it hurts them.

In Balkans highest concentration of jihadist returnees, Kosovo leads (KoSSev)

The Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) in its analysis entitled "Western Balkans Foreign Fighters and Homegrown Jihadis: Trends and Implications" reports that since 2012, about 1,070 citizens of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro travelled to Syria and Iraq, primarily joining the Islamic State, and to a lesser extent al-Qaeda (Jabhat al Nusra, more recently rebranded as Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham - HTS).

Ruzic: Unacceptable support of the National Council of Albanians to Pristina's decision on Serbian passports (Blic, Vecernje Novosti)

Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government of Serbia Branko Ruzic describe as unacceptable and as misuse for political purposes the support given by the National Council of Albanians to ''temporary institutions in Pristina'' after the decision to ban the crossing of the administrative line between central Serbia and Kosovo with a Serbian passport, reports Serbian media.

Carpenter for VoA: Elections stop Serbia-Kosovo agreement, what is plan B if the exchange of territories plan fail (Serbian media)

American Balkans experts Michael Carpenter told the Voice of America that the coming elections in Kosovo and Serbia could slow down the process of reaching an agreement to normalize Belgrade-Pristina relations.

Carpenter, formerly a senior Department of Defense official for Russia, the Balkans Eurasia, said that election season is a very bad time to reach international agreements because it is a good time for people who advocate hard-line political stands.

Popovic-Ivkovic met Cyprus Ambassador (Danas)

Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs State Secretary Biljana Popovic-Ivkovic met yesterday with Cyprus Ambassador to Serbia Constantinos Eliades and discussed police cooperation between the two countries as well as Kosovo request to join Interpol, Danas daily reports.

Popovic-Ivkovic thanked Ambassador Eliades for the support Cyprus offered to Serbia at Interpol General Assembly session last year, adding the friendship between Cyprus and Serbia is based on mutual understanding and support in protecting important national interests.

“When Jews vote for Trump, that’s not interference or Albanians voting for Clintons" (Tanjug, B92, Politika, Telegraf)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic rejected criticism of Michael Carpenter, former adviser of US Vice President Joseph Biden, of interfering into US affairs, B92 reports. Carpenter said that Serbian Foreign Minister plans to interfere in US domestic politics.

Serbian customs officers seize machine gun parts from Kosovo Albanians (FoNet, TV N1)

Serbian customs and police officers seized two barrels and other machine gun parts from two Kosovo Albanians at the border crossing at Sid, the Customs Authority said on Thursday.

The two Kosovo Albanian brothers tried to bribe customs officers in an effort to avoid a search of their German-registered Audi car. They were stopped for a search on their way out of Serbia at the border crossing with Croatia.

Customs officers also found 30,000 Euros in forged banknotes and a flag of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), TV N1 reports.