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"You think Albanians won't move to occupy North?" (B92)

Asked whether a paper mentioned in the press - proposing a final solution for relations between Serbia and Kosovo - exists, Serbian President Vucic responded - "judge by yourselves," B92 reports.

"I better not respond. I think everyone knows the correct answer to that question, regardless of what they are saying," the President of Serbia told reporters on Friday.

As he added, the issue of Kosovo is the most difficult and the most responsible one, which reflects "all of our, but also his concerns."

Kosovo received “yellow light” from US to act stubborn (Danas)

Pristina received some sort of “yellow light” from Washington to “act stubborn” before the next phase of negations in Brussels on resolving the Kosovo issue, which is shown by the refusal of Kosovo representatives to take part in a new round of technical dialogue, Danas daily reports referring to unofficial diplomatic sources.

Peoples’ Party: Vucic to request Security Council session on EULEX stay (Danas)

While the departure of EULEX Mission from Kosovo seriously endangers security of Serbs in Kosovo, President Aleksandar Vucic is serving to the citizens a story on referendum, Peoples’ Party said in a press statement, Danas daily reported.

The Party further said that Vucic is fabricating a false conflict with NATO Alliance, and without any evidence wages dirty war against opposition parties, in particular against Peoples’ Party, obviously being afraid citizens in Serbia could hear a truth about a failure of his politics.

Dolovac in Pristina over Oliver Ivanovic murder (Danas)

Serbian State Prosecutor, Zagorka Dolovac spoke with representative of the Kosovo Special Prosecution, in a meeting of regional prosecutors, organized in Pristina by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Danas daily unofficially learned from diplomatic sources.

The meeting between Dolovac and Kosovo Special Prosecution representative happened with the mediation of Attorney Sessions, and one of the topics discussed was the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP).

Hague Court Urged to Probe Journalists’ Deaths in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

The European Federation of Journalists adopted a resolution urging a new Hague-based court to investigate killings and disappearances of ethnic Albanian and Serb journalists connected to the Kosovo conflict.

The European Federation of Journalists, EFJ adopted a resolution jointly proposed by Serbian and Kosovo journalists’ associations on Thursday calling for an investigation into the murders and kidnappings of 14 journalists between 1998 and 2005.

Djuric: EU to declare itself about Apostolova’s stances (TV Pink, Tanjug, Radio kontakt plus)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric called European Union to declare itself on the stances of an EU Office in Kosovo Head Nataliya Apostolova, who said that frequent attacks of Albanians against Serbs in Kosovo are “tit for tat,” Serbian media reported.

With such reaction on dozens of attacks, in which lives of people and their properties are endangered, Apostolova, according to Djuric “sends a message to those who are attacking that attacks are welcome.”

Assembly of European Federation of Journalists unanimously adopted Resolution on investigation of murders of journalists in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Assembly of European Federation of Journalists unanimously adopted Resolution on investigation of murders of journalists in Kosovo, submitted by Association of Journalists of Serbia, Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia, Union of Journalists of Serbia and Association of Journalists of Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

GI SDP: Bozovic met with Soltes (Radio kontakt plus)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, (GI SDO) deputy leader Ksenija Bozovic met with the European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo, Igor Soltes, and one of the topics discussed was Oliver Ivanovic murder investigation, Kontakt plus radio reported.

Bozovic said the meeting was short but constructive and her assessment is that Soltes is very well informed about political developments in Kosovo and all the issues Serbs are facing.

Mihajlovic: Our competent institutions will react on customs unification of Pristina and Tirana (RTS)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic states that the competent institutions will react to the customs unification of Pristina and Tirana, stating that ahead of Serbia is not an easy period, reports Radio television of Serbia (RTS).

Kosovo-Serbia status remains biggest challenge in Balkans – EU envoy (EURACTIV)

Normalising relations between Kosovo and Serbia is “the most complicated process in the Balkans at the moment”, according to the head of the EU’s office in Pristina. But both sides need steady encouragement from the international community to reach a final solution and progress towards EU membership.