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Jeremic: Vucic plans to cause unrests in north of Kosovo (Danas)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic said the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic plans to cause unrests in the north of Kosovo in the next couple of months in order to present an agreement with Pristina, which includes membership of Kosovo in the UN, as an alleviation.

“We have seen this recipe before, pull up the strings, set a fire, then distinguish it and present it as God’s given solution. This is how Vucic intends to reach “historic agreement,” Jeremic said during the founding ceremony of Peoples’ Party Municipal Board in Vozdovac (Belgrade) municipality.

Vucic and Poroshenko about Serbia's sovereignty in Kosovo (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic arrived in Eskişehir (Turkey) where he met with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko immediately after his arrival with whom he discussed bilateral relations and economic cooperation, reports radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Vucic and Poroshenko discussed bilateral relations and economic cooperation, and the Ukrainian president said that his country respects the territorial integrity of Serbia and has asked Vucic to appeal politicians in Serbia not to conduct an anti-Ukrainian campaign.

Drecun: Without progress in dialogue what's the point?

Milovan Drecun, Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo of the Assembly of Serbia, told regional broadcaster N1 that it was uncertain whether dialogue in Brussels would continue by the end of this month, but that the more important question is what will be discussed and whether a move will be made.

President comments possible international conference (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has stressed that it was "not important where an international conference on finding a solution for Kosovo would be held."

What matters instead is "the content of the proposal," the Serbian president said on Sunday, after reports emerged about the possibility of organizing a "Rambouillet 2" - the name being a reference to the Rambouillet, France conference that preceded NATO's bombing of Serbia in 1999.

"My singing has helped," Dacic tells his critics (Kurir, Tanjug, B92)

Foreign Minister and First Deputy PM Ivica Dacic says Kosovo looks like the task of Sisyphus - "but we can never give up."

"It's not a phrase, that's the essence," Dacic wrote in an op-ed penned for the tabloid Kurir.

"All of us who are in power, but also those who are now the opposition, have the responsibility - however Tadic, and Djilas, and Jeremic all seem to have forgotten the meaning of the word," he said.

Survey: 63 percent of Serbs support frozen conflict in Kosovo, 9 percent for agreement at any cost (Tanjug, RTV)

Significantly more than half of Serbian citizens, 63 percent precisely, think that the frozen conflict in Kosovo is the best solution at the moment. Every second citizen believes the Kosovo status would not be resolved in the next 5 to 10 years.

These are the results of „Factor Plus “Agency survey carried out this month. Concrete agreement in which both Serbs and Albanians would lose and gain something is supported by 21 percent of responders, while 9 percent support agreement between Belgrade and Pristina at any cost.

EULEX Kosovo: new role for the EU rule of law mission (Council of the EU website)

On 8 June 2018, the Council decided to refocus the mandate of the EU rule of law mission EULEX Kosovo.

The mission, established 10 years ago, has had two operational objectives: a monitoring, mentoring and advising objective, providing support to Kosovo’s rule of law institutions and to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, and an executive objective, supporting the adjudication of constitutional and civil justice and prosecuting and adjudicating selected criminal cases.
