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Kosovo warned, illegal use of state code (Tanjug, B92)

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) warned in its latest bulletin from June 1, that radio-amateurs from Kosovo illegally and unlawfully use a code dedicated to states, Serbian media reported.

According to ITU such unlawful use of Z6 prefix represents breaching of radio regulations, Tanjug news agency has learned.

ITU called upon International Radio-Amateurs Union to instruct Kosovo to stop using the code as a state code, since Kosovo is not an ITU member state.

Vucic: I am not optimist, but Belgrade will not give up dialogue with Pristina (BETA, Telegraf, RTS)

Beta news agency reported today Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he was not optimistic about the upcoming talks with Pristina representatives in Brussels, but that Belgrade would not give up on dialogue, since talks are the only solution towards a compromise.

“The talks in Brussels are ahead of us. I am not an optimist, but Serbs will make efforts to reach a compromise,” Vucic told reporters at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts after the opening of a two-day international conference of the anti-corruption portal “Pistaljka/Whistle”.

Outsiders don't decide where Serbian military goes – Vucic (BETA, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that he had no intention of explaining military units' movements to anyone.

Speaking on Monday, Vucic added that no outsider would ever make any decision in that regard, Beta agency reported.

"It was by chance that the Serbian army and Gendarmerie were not where the (Kosovo) Albanian media had said they would be, but I won't make any excuses when they do get there, nor do I care what they might write or think," Vucic said answering a journalist's question in Zemun.

Chepurin on “Russian support for partition of Kosovo“ - Media speculation and typical fishing in muddy water (Sputnik, KoSSev)

“Following certain media speculations, it remains that one should only advise them to carefully read our statements, and not to deal with empty fabrications with a single desire: to deprive Serbia of Russia’s support. It’s typical fishing in muddy water.”

This is how Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Chepurin commented on last week’s media reports on the alleged Russian support for the partition of Kosovo, KoSSev portal reported referring to statements Ambassador Chepurin made to Sputnik.

Kosovo media refute their own reports about Serbian troops (BETA, Tanjug, B92)

Several hours after publishing them, Pristina-based media denied their own stories about deployment of Serbian troops to the boundary with Kosovo, Serbian media write today.

Serbia deployed "armed troops to the border with Kosovo," media in Pristina reported earlier, according to the Beta news agency.

"This is the first time since 2008 and the declaration of independence that Serbia has sent soldiers and Gendarmes so close to the border with Kosovo," the report continued.

Vecernje Novosti: Vucic rejected "US package" for Kosovo (RTS, Vecernje Novosti)

Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) reports, quoting Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti, that the president of Serbia allegedly did not want to introduce the public with a working document related to resolving the Kosovo problem, assessing it as "unworthy of attention and unacceptable for Serbia".

According to Novosti, representatives of Kosovo and Serbia were presented with four pillars of the historic agreement:

Djuric: There is no paper, Haradinaj and Hoxhaj nervous (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric dismissed claims of Kosovo PM and his deputy, Ramush Haradinaj and Enver Hoxhaj there is a new “four pillars plan” on Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

“Haradinaj and Hoxhaj are showing how nervous they are and the reason for it is a fact that their intentions or aims are neither achievable nor possible. If one thinks it can achieve goals with deceptions and lies, then that one would get disappointed,” Djuric told RTS.

Drecun: Huge gap between Serbs and Albanians (Tanjug, B92, TV Pink)

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told Serbian media there is a huge gap between Serbs and Albanians and people alike Ramush Haradinaj cannot build a reconciliation.

He added, Haradinaj’s remarks on reconciliation are “cynical” and the biggest contribution (to the reconciliation) would be if he would be held responsible before the judiciary for committed crimes.