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What does joining hands really mean? Lessons from rural Kosovo (UNDP Eurasia)

If there’s one thing I’ve learned at UNDP, it’s that good development projects don’t just happen.

Here at UNDP in Kosovo*, I have seen well-designed and delivered programmes change the lives of people in rural areas. In the last year alone, over 1,100 people found jobs thanks to our projects throughout Kosovo and earn more money than they used to.

Unclear when the first phase of the dialogue in Kosovo has ended (Danas)

The statement of the Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić on establishment of working group for the second phase of the internal dialogue produces a certain ambiguities in the interpretation of this process, as it is not clear when the dialogue has started and how at all it can reach the second phase, writes daily Danas.

Letter to EU on Catalonia-Kosovo cases postponed (RTS, TV Most)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, said to RTS today that the letter on Catalonian referendum is prepared, he has signed it, however the PM Brnabic would not take it to Brussels tomorrow, but it would, as per request of Spain, be delivered at a later stage, in order not to deteriorate the situation in this country.

President Vucic, said at the press conference, that the PM Brnabic would sign the letter, seriously and thoroughly prepared, after the visit to Brussels and upon receiving the consent of the government.

Constitutions of Spain and Serbia do not recognize possibility of independence referendum (Politika)

Brussels did not provide convincing explanation, and I do not see how membership to the EU could influence international assessment of the declaration of independence, stated Serbian Academic and International Law Professor, Tibor Vardi to Politika daily.

The parallel between Catalonia and Kosovo is not simple, but it is also not without grounds, said Vardi, commenting on the stance of the European Commission saying Catalonia and Kosovo are incomparable, because Spain is an EU member state.

Dacic rules out possibility of giving Kosovo "UN chair" (RTV, RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister and First Deputy PM Ivica Dacic on Thursday ruled out the possibility of Kosovo joining the UN by saying this was "out of the question."

Asked whether he considers the issue of Kosovo's possible "chair" in the UN to be a topic, Dacic replied: "What chair - maybe a wooden footstool. That's out of the question!"

Asked whether it was possible for Kosovo to "get a place in the UN, without Serbia recognizing it," Dacic said this was "impossible without Serbia's consent".

Zeman: Double standards in cases of Crimea and Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS)

While the referendum in Crimea was an annexation, it is alright when Kosovo becomes independent, contrary to the UN SC Resolution, Czech President, Milos Zeman said, Serbian media reported.

“I have criticized Kosovo’s secession from Serbia, considering it as an obvious violation of the UN SC Resolution that guarantees the territorial integrity of Serbia with Kosovo, Zeman said to the Czech TV station Barandov.

He also added that not the same standards are applied when it comes to the cases of Crimea and Kosovo.

"Serbia will not accept any unilateral acts by Catalonia" (RTV, Tanjug, B92)

Serbia supports the territorial integrity of Spain and will not accept any unilateral acts by Catalonia, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday.

"We do not want what has been applied to Kosovo to be applied in the case of Catalonia," Dacic told the RTV after a meeting with the Spanish ambassador to Serbia, Tanjug reported.

During the meeting earlier in the day, Dacic underlined that our country "stands firmly by Spain and gives it unreserved support when it comes to the defense and protection of its sovereignty and territorial integrity."