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European Commission: We will provide argumented response to Serbia’s letter (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

The European Commission stated, it will, upon receiving the letter from the Serbian authorities, in details respond to questions related to its position on Kosovo and Catalonia cases, Tanjug news agency reported today.

“When we receive the letter, we will respond to it. You can be assured that our response would be well prepared and presented. It is always the case with all our responses and I see no reason it would be different in this case,” spokesperson of the European Commission, Alexander Winterstein said.

Dacic: Musliu should celebrate not being in prison yet (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister, Ivica Dacic said that president of Bujanovac municipality Jonuz Musliu should be "thanking God for not yet being arrested".

The Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti reported this today.

Dacic also pointed out that adding "the Presevo Valley" - an area in the southern part of central Serbia that has an ethnic Albanian minority - to Kosovo and Metohija is "Musliu's pipe dream" - unless the EU thinks that Presevo is also a specific and unique case."

"It would not surprise me," Dacic allegedly said.

Kosovo is precedent and not “unique case” (Politika)

Politika daily on its front page in today’s print edition, runs the article in which long-term judge in the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Milenko Kreca expresses his opinion regarding Kosovo and Catalonia cases.

The difference that the EU makes between Kosovo and Catalonia is an expression of political interests that have no basis in the international law, Kreca said.

Why isn't NATO bombing Madrid for 78 days? - fmr British diplomat (Russia Today)

It is a little bit late for the EU to remember international law on its Western border when it was ignoring it on its Eastern border, Marko Gasic, an international affairs commentator, told RT.

Catalonia's leader has vowed to declare the region's independence from Spain in the coming days.

Pristina's bid not on agenda of UNESCO Executive Board (B92, RTS)

Pristina is yet to officially apply for UNESCO membership, and that is why the topic has not been included in the session of organization's Executive Board.

The session, which started on Wednesday, will determine the agenda for the General Conference that will be held in November, RTS is reporting.

Since UNESCO's plenary meetings will start as soon as on Monday, the chances of Pristina applying are minimal, Serbia's ambassador to UNESCO, Darko Tanaskovic, has confirmed.

Sending a letter to the European Commission is for internal use (Danas)

The decision of the Government and the president of the state that Serbia sends a letter to the European Commission with a series of questions regarding the position of the Commission that the cases of Catalonia and Kosovo cannot be compared, is irresponsible and serves for internal political use, representatives of the opposition say, write daily Danas.

"Double standards triple our suffering" - Serbian President (TV Prva, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic says that the suffering of Serbia has been tripled because of the double standards employed by "those whose part our country wants to become."

The Serbian president spoke late on Tuesday after his meeting with high-ranking representatives of Romania, Bulgaria and Greece in Varna, Bulgaria, and added that these three countries are "very important" and that they discussed "the injustice that has been inflicted on Serbia."

Belgrade prepares a letter: EU to reconsider decision on Kosovo (Večernje Novosti)

Belgrade is preparing a letter which will be forwarded to 22 countries of the European Union after the Catalonia case.

Belgrade will invite 22 EU member states to reconsider the decision to recognize Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence, as Catalonia is an obvious example of their mistake, Večernje Novosti writes today.

EU: It is not about double standards, Kosovo is “unique” (Tanjug, RTS)

The EU spokesperson, Maja Kocijancic, rejected allegations that different standards apply to Spain and Catalonia than those applied to Serbia, in case of Kosovo, adding that the international law is universal and the EU fully respects it, Tanjug news agency reported.

“Kosovo is sui generis case,” she told Tanjug.