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“Pristina’s dirty game: They prepare offensive on UNESCO, this country should play crucial role” (Blic)

Kosovo authorities want through “back door” to push voting for the Kosovo’s accession to UNESCO, during the forthcoming General Assembly conference taking place at the end of October, Blic daily learned, while Albania would try to put the Kosovo issue on the organisation’s agenda.

Blic further reports, although some Kosovo officials said there would be no candidacy to UNESCO this year, Blic’s sources said their intentions were different.

"Bosnia won't even consider recognizing Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

Not only will Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) not recognize Kosovo - it will not even consider doing it, says the country's foreign minister, Igor Crnadak.

Crnadak told the agency Fena on Friday that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj urging Sarajevo to recognize Kosovo "will have no effect," and described Haradnija's statements as "futile".

The issue of recognizing Kosovo will not even be considered by the end of the mandate of the current Council of Ministers, he added.

“This year two Serbian families took over exhumed bodies in Kosovo” (BETA, KIM Radio)

Chair of the Serbian Government Missing Persons Commission, Veljko Odalovic, stated that this year, only two Serb families took over the bodies exhumed in Kosovo, KIM Radio reported.

Odalovic also stated to BETA news agency there are no exhumations in Kosovo at the moment and the question remains whether activities would continue by the end of the year.

Out of 1.600 persons still missing in Kosovo, more than 550 are of Serbian nationality, Serbian media reported.

Sapic visits Kosovo, received with protests and insults (TV N1, KoSSev portal)

Former famous Serbian water-polo player and current mayor of Novi Beograd municipality, Aleksandar Sapic is paying a two-day visit to Kosovo, upon the invitation of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, N1 TV reports quoting KoSSev portal.

However, Sapic was received last night in Mitrovica North with protests, where a group of mainly young people carried insulting banners, Serbian media further said.

Montenegro Snubs Kosovo Plea to Review Border Deal (Balkan Insight)

In an attempt to convince neighbouring Montenegro to review the controversial border deal, Kosovo's Foreign Minister has visited Podgorica – but without apparent results, as yet.

Despite the visit to Montenegro of Kosovo's new Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli, on Tuesday, the deadlock between the two countries over their border demarcation agreement – which Kosovo MPs still have not ratified – remains unresolved.

"UK should show more understanding for our position on Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic received today in Belgrade a delegation of the British House of Lords, Serbian media reported.

According to a statement issued by the Presidency, Vucic and his guests spoke about "regional issues and the European path of Serbia."

Vucic "thanked the representatives of the House of Lords for their interest in the problems that the Western Balkans is facing, and pointed out that there are still many important issues on the European agenda of Serbia."

DSS: Serbian president to explain statement on Kosovo membership to UN (Beta, Blic)

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) requested today Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to say openly, what is Serbia’s stance on the issue of Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

“An important step would be made if the President of Serbia precisely explains his statement that “Kosovo would not enter UN unless we are satisfied with something, and we cannot be satisfied if they tell us, recognize an independent Kosovo,” DSS said, asking Vucic what Serbia could be satisfied with, if it has to renounce part of its territory.

Committee on KiM of the Serbian Parliament on health system in Kosovo (KoSSev)

The Committee on Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Parliament today to discuss, as announced, the "functioning of the health system of the Republic of Serbia in AP Kosovo and Metohija", reports KoSSev.

However, it was not specified what the MPs will discuss when it comes to the health system.

The KiM Office announced earlier that, by the end of the year, the transformation of the health system of the Republic of Serbia should be carried out in Kosovo.