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Patriarch of Alexandria and Africa Teodor II visits Kosovo (RTK2)

Patriarch of Alexandria and Africa, Teodor II, accompanied by the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej visited yesterday the Pec Patriarchate and after that Visoki Decani Monastery, RTK2 reported.

Patriarch Teodor II said he is very happy to visit the monasteries in Kosovo, which he considers as Serbian Jerusalem.

"Serb-Albanian relations must be resolved once and for all" (B92, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that "a difficult compromise" when it comes to Kosovo does not mean that only one side is satisfied.

He said that when it comes to Kosovo a compromise was important, "in order to live in peace."

"I would neither add nor take anything away when it comes to what I said at the UN. Kosovo will not join the UN, unless we are satisfied with something, and we cannot be satisfied if they want us to recognize Kosovo," Vucic told RTS late on Tuesday.

Erdoğan compared Kosovo with Northern Iraq (N1)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said today in Ankara that representatives of the Regional Kurdish Administration in northern Iraq do not know what politics is, or how a state becomes, reports N1.

Erdoğan addressed today in the presidential palace in Ankara on the occasion of the start of the new academic year and on that occasion he also referred to the yesterday's unconstitutional referendum in northern Iraq, and reminded that yesterday's referendum was supported only by Israel.

Russian NGO teams up with Kosovo Office to assist Serbs (Tanjug, B92)

The NGO Russian Humanitarian Mission, in cooperation with the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo, will start helping Serbs in Kosovo.

Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Office Marko Djuric and the NGO's regional head Branimir Nesic signed on Monday in Belgrade a memorandum of cooperation in realizing humanitarian and charity programs.

According to this memorandum, the Russian Humanitarian Mission, in cooperation with the government, will offer Serbs in the province assistance in the fields of education, health and welfare.

McAllister: Brussels appreciates the constructive efforts of Serbia (Blic, B92, KIM radio)

The EP rapporteur for Serbia welcomed the initiative to launch an internal dialogue on Kosovo and added that Serbia's constructive approach is highly appreciated in Brussels, KIM radio reported McAllister’s statement to the daily newspapers Blic.

"Yes, I welcome the initiative of President Aleksandar Vučić to launch a domestic dialogue on this issue," David McAllister told daily Blic.

Nothing from Kosovo membership in UN (BETA, KIM Radio)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, stated today “there is nothing from Kosovo membership in the United Nations,” Serbian media reported.

“I am almost certain there is nothing from their membership in the UN, unless we make some sort of agreement, and that can’t happen if someone thinks Serbia should lose everything and Albanians should get everything,” Vucic stated.

He also added that Pristina representatives obtained temporary passes to enter the UN building during the UN General Assembly session.

ISIS Appeal Remains Challenge For Kosovo, Report Warns (Balkan Insight)

New report by the Kosovar Center for Security Studies warns that Islamic State will remain a challenge for Kosovo until its institutions mount a comprehensive, multifaceted campaign to combat its message and 'narrative'.

A new report, “The Islamic State Narrative in Kosovo Deconstructed One Story at a Time”, by the Kosovar Center for Security Studies, KCSS, says Kosovo has much to do if it is to counter Islamic State's appeal to Kosovo citizens.

Trump's visit - Serbia's surrender, or change in US policy? (TV Prva, B92)

Since the break-up of Yugoslavia no US president has visited Belgrade, and the president of Serbia expects Donald Trump to come here next year.

After Russian, Chinese and numerous European leaders, Serbia could thus soon host the US president.

"It would quite certainly be a historic visit, as he would be the first US president to come to Serbia," said Aleksandra Joksimovic from the Center for Foreign Policy.

“Our journalists objective and professional” RTK2 response to Srpska Lista statement (Kontakt plus radio)

“The RTK2 journalists always carry out their work in a professional and impartial manner, in line with regulations in force. We are paying particular attention before and during the election campaign,” reads the RTK2 management statement sent to the Kontakt plus radio.

The statement came as a response to the Srpska Lista, which said yesterday RTK2 journalists were unprofessional while reporting on the protest in the Vrbovac village.