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Albanians are going for all or nothing - Serbian FM (B92)

What is happening in Macedonia is not just a local problem, but one for the whole region, says Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

"Now it's the most obvious how right we have been when we pointed out that Serbia has an important lever in its hands, and that is political stability," Dacic told RTS.

Braathu: Dialogue, part of the regional stabilization process (Klan Kosova)

Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Jan Braathu, said that the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade which is being held in Brussels is part of the regional stabilization process. Therefore, he said, it is communication which resolves the daily problems of the citizens is necessary.

Braathu assessed the statements for unification of Albanians as a message to the European Union and added that is required to accelerate the process of integration in the union’s zone.

Baarthu said that the Brussels dialogue is much more discussions between Pristina and Belgrade.

EU against changes to Criminal Code of Kosovo (Telegrafi)  

The EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative has expressed concern over the intention of Kosovo authoritirs to amend the Criminal Code of Kosovo by introducing new measures against libel and defamation. “A number of EU members or potential members, including Kosovo, have done away with criminal defamation and insult, and several others have taken important steps in that direction. Decriminalisation of libel and defamation in Kosovo was reported as progress in European Commission's Report in 2013.

Ahtisaari: Continue dialogue with Serbia (Gazeta Metro)

The UN Special Envoy during the Vienna dialogue, Marti Ahtisaari, has stressed the importance of the continuance of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. On a video transmission during a seminar organized by the Embassy of Finland to Kosovo, on the occasion of the 100 anniversary of the Finish state, Ahtisaari said that dialogue is the only sustainable solution. “Do not waste your time and continue the dialogue with Serbia – this is the only way to create stability in the country. Dialogue should not be disregarded,” Ahtisaari said.

"Turkey is behind 'Greater Albania' ideas in Balkans" (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

There is suspicion that Turkish intelligence is behind the statements about the redrawing borders in the Balkans and "the spread of the Greater Albania idea."

The Belgrade-based newspaper Vecernje Novosti is reporting this, adding that the treats against Serbia that have been arriving from Tirana, Pristina and Presevo in a synchronized manner, have been prepared in Ankara.

Why did Putin oppose Clinton? Decades of American hypocrisy (The Washington Post)

When the U.S. intervenes abroad, we say it's justified. When Russia does the same, we say it isn't.
We don’t know how effective Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts were to get President Trump elected. We don’t know whether leaked documents, disinformation campaigns, or actual Russian agents joined forces with Trump to sink Hillary Clinton. But the evidence is clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Putin expressed a preference.

Albania pitches itself as bastion against Russian influence (B92, Tanjug)

Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati, who is visiting Washington, says that his country has "the most developed democracy in the Western Balkans."

In addition, Bushati says that Albania is "a bastion against Russia's influence in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Croatia."

"If we said we'd form union with RS - what would you say?" (B92)

Edi Rama's statement about a union between Albania and Kosovo again confirms that creation of a Greater Albania is a common platform of all ethnic Albanians.

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said this late on Tuesday in reaction to the Albanian prime minister's interview given to the website Politico, during which he "could not rule out a union between Kosovo and Albania" if prospects of EU membership fade.

Albanian PM told it's "rude" to eye other people's territory (B92)

The head of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija says that "nobody should play with attempting to revive the fascist idea of a Greater Albania."

Marko Djuric in this way responded to Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, who said that he could not rule out the possibility of "a union between Albania and Kosovo" - if EU membership prospects for the Western Balkans fade.