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Daily Blic reports on a series of alleged criminal activities led by Thaci

On Monday, Daily newspaper Blic reported in an exclusive front-page story, as part of a larger series, details of secret documents of the Albanian mafia in Kosovo under the headline ''Thaci the lord of drugs, smuggling of weapons and fuel''. Almost all Serbian language media covered the Blic article.

"Normalization of relations with Kosovo necessary condition" (B92)

Serbia has the clearest stability of all countries in the region and it wants to have a stabilizing effect on other Western Balkan states.

This is what Serbian Prime Minister and President-elect Aleksandar Vucic said after meeting with German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on in Belgrade on Wednesday.

Greek defense minister visits Kosovo, no official meetings (Kontakt plus radio, RTS)

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos visited Greek soldiers within KFOR in Kosovo, expressing praise for his country's role in preserving stability in the region.

Media in Pristina, however, point out that the Greek Minister during the visit did not meet with any official of the central institutions in Pristina, adding that Greece is one of the five EU countries that have not recognized Kosovo's independence.

War Justice Strategy for Kosovo Undermined by Divisions (Balkan Insight)

A Kosovo government-backed working group set up to draft a national strategy for dealing with the wartime past has been troubled by divisions, disputes and failures to deliver, a new report says.

Kosovo’s Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Dealing with the Past and Reconciliation (IMWG) has been working since 2012 on developing a National Strategy on Transitional Justice - but with no public draft yet published, questions are being asked about why it has failed to live up to expectations.

CoE Commissioner for Human rights: Justice, social cohesion and media freedom remain top challenges in Kosovo*

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks says that eighteen years after the end of the conflict, thousands of people are still denied justice in Kosovo. He states that it is high time to change course and to build a just and cohesive society.

Ultimatum of the ''Ali Hadri'' historians for the Visoki Dečani monastery: Return the land; we will block the roads towards the monastery (KoSSev)

Web portal KoSSev reported today about the statement of the Association of historians ''Ali Hadri'' concerning the Visoki Dečani monastery and the property issue.

If by April 21 the Kosovo Government does not withdraw the decision of the Agency for Privatization on declaring the property of companies "APIKO" and "Illyria" as a particular national treasure, association of historians "Ali Hadri" shall block the roads towards the monastery of Visoki Dečani.

McCain in Belgrade for meeting with Vucic (B92)

US Senator John McCain will arrive in Belgrade for a meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

Vucic announced this during a news conference on Sunday, and said he and McCain will speak "about the position of Serbia and Kosovo."

Vucic said he "assumed" that "relationship toward Serbia, that is, about what is part of Serbia's foreign policy orientation" would also be discussed.

Haradinaj's brother threatens Serbs; Vucic wants dialogue (B92)

Aleksandar Vucic on Saturday urged representatives of the EU and Pristina to resume the Brussels dialogue in order to reduce tensions.

According to Beta, the Serbian prime minister and president-elect said that "one warrant for arrest, issued for the most severe crime, could not be a reason to threaten the survival of a people."