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Đurić: Vučić won 80 per cent of the vote in Kosovo (KIM radio)

Deputy SNS Marko Đurić said that from so far processed causes the current Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has won 80 per cent of votes at polling stations in Kosovo.

Đurić says that Vučić won nearly 33 000 votes, adding that it is 10 per cent more than in the previous parliamentary elections.

Simić: We want Serbia to manage education in Serbian language in Kosovo (KIM radio)

Serbian deputies do not agree that Kosovo regulates the work of the Serbian education system in Kosovo, said Slavko Simić to RTV KiM.

Simić says that recent allegations of the Serbian National Forum (SNF) are not true. The SNF accused the President of the Serbian List of trying to merge University of Pristina (relocated in North Mitrovica) with the future Community/Association of Serb municipalities, and then to change its name.

U.S. Senator McCain to visit Kosovo on 13 April (Klan Kosova)

U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, John McCain is expected to visit Kosovo on 13 April, sources told Klan Kosova. It is not yet known who the U.S. Senator will meet during his visit but some of the topics expected to be discussed will include the security situation in Kosovo as well as the election of Aleksandar Vucic to the post of Serbian president.

Ballots from Kosovo arrived to Vranje and Raška (N1)

Votes from Kosovo arrived to Vranje and Raška this morning around 1.30, RTS reported.

As previously announced by the OSCE in Kosovo, there were no security conditions for the counting of votes at polling stations, so they have transported ballots to Vranje and Raška following the Instructions on the implementation of the presidential elections within that territory.

Dačić: And today provocations (RTS)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić says that Belgrade is trying to be constructive, but that Pristina constantly provokes, as it happened today with preventing people to go to the pre-election rally, and setting up the barricades.

"What is this for?" asked Dačić at a news conference, adding that the elections in Kosovo are organized with the help of the OSCE, adding that he does not see why the authorities in Pristina have opposed such a decision.


Busses with supporters of SNS stoned and blocked (RTK2, Srna, Blic)

More than 60 buses carrying Serbs that were going for the SNS rally (organized for the the party's candidate Aleksandar Vučić in the Serbian presidental elections) were stopped this morning in several places south of the Ibar.

As daily Blic reports, the provincial committee of the Serbian Progressive Party reported that about 3 000 people have been prevented to go to the rally in Leposavić/Leposaviq.

Vucic cancels Kosovo trip, "won't take orders from Pristina" (B92)

Serbian PM and presidential candidate Aleksandar Vucic has announced that he would not travel to Kosovo where he was to hold a rally in Leposavic on Wednesday.

"I will not take orders from them (Pristina) on whether I would arrive with Vulin, Stefanovic, or somebody else. You won't see that movie," he said late on Tuesday, adding that he canceled the trip "so as not to expose Serbs from Kosovo to unpleasantness."