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Serbs in Kosovo blackmailed to vote for Vucic – opposition (B92, KIM radio)

The Dveri Movement claims that Serbs employed by Serbian institutions and public companies in Kosovo and Metohija are subjected to threats and blackmail.

According to the opposition movement, whose leader Bosko Obradovic is a candidate in the April 2 presidential elections, these Serbs are pressured in order to support Aleksandar Vucic, the candidate of the ruling coalition.

Vučić: I am not aware of the conditionality of the visit to Kosovo (Danas)

Presidential candidate Aleksandar Vučić says he was not officially informed about the alleged conditioning of his visit to Kosovo.

Responding to a question whether the Kosovo authorities have conditioned his visit on 29 March to Kosovo and Leposavić/Leposaviq, Vučić said that he was not informed about it. As reported by media the request was that certain ministers of the Government of Serbia are not in the delegation.

Hyseni hopeful of Kosovo joining Interpol by year’s end (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Internal Affairs Minister, Skender Hyseni, said today he was hopeful of Kosovo gaining membership in Interpol by the end of the year. Hyseni made the remarks at the signing of an agreement with European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) at the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety in Vushtrri/Vucitrn.

State commission denies intent to rig election in Kosovo (B92)

RIK President Vladimir Dimitrijevic says the opposition "has no reason to doubt the legitimacy of the electoral process in Kosovo and Metohija."

Dimitrijevic came out with this statement after Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, who heads an opposition parliamentary group, described the instructions for the holding of the presidential elections in Kosovo, which the Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) adopted late last night, as "unconstitutional and allowing for electoral fraud."

Serbia grateful to N. Korea for stance on Kosovo (B92)

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Tuesday received the new ambassador of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Ri Pyong Du.

The diplomat delivered his accreditation letters to President Tomislav Nikolic, the Serbian government said.

Ri Pyong Du thus officially assumed the office of ambassador on non-residential basis accredited from Bucharest, a statement said.

Kosovo, Albania Give 'Common Market' Call Thumbs Down (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo's Prime Minister has dismissed calls for a Western Balkan 'common market' as a pointless diversion from the goal of EU membership - while an important union in Albania has reached the same conclusion.

EU Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hahn's support for the creation of a common market in the Western Balkans, raised during the recent summit of six leaders in Sarajevo, has drawn little enthusiasm in Kosovo and Albania.

“Air Serbia” violates Brussels agreement (RFE)

Despite the agreement between Pristina and Belgrade for free and unimpeded movement, for those who carry Kosovo documents through Serbia as well as Belgrade and Nis airports, “Air Serbia” still does not accept these documents, reports RFE.

This portal further brings concrete experiences of people possessing Kosovo passports, who were rejected to use this airline to travel to different destinations, with the justification that they should possess a valid passport such as that from Serbia or Albania.

"We've been redrawing borders too - think of Kosovo" (B92, Sputnik)

French presidential candidate Francois Fillon mentioned the issue of Kosovo when he spoke about Crimea joining Russia.

“We have changed borders ourselves. Kosovo, for example. We think that because we are westerners everything is allowed to us - we can enter Iraq, we can bring order to any corner of the world... There is a fundamental principle of the right of people to decide for themselves. There are borders that have been established in a way, unacceptable for people,” Fillon said.

Thaci undertakes initiative for decriminalization of political scene (RFE, Koha)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said at the “Launching Westminster program for democracy in Kosovo” that Kosovo institutions should not have positions for people who are under investigation. “They should not be included in the election lists either,” Thaci said.