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Will Serbs in Kosovo vote in presidential elections? (B92, Tanjug, Blic, KIM radio)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci says that Pristina has not yet reached a decision with regard to the elections for the president of Serbia.

And although the Kosovo institutions have not yet taken a position on the holding of the Serbian presidential elections in Kosovo, the OSCE have confirmed their readiness to provide technical help to implement them.

"Belgrade has documents to prove its owneship in Kosovo" (B92, Tanjug, KIM radio, TV Most)

As much as 58 pct of Kosovo's territory - including state, private and "socially" and church-owned real estate - is the property of Serbia.

It belongs to the state, its citizens and institutions, and the state has the original cadastre documentation to prove this, Tanjug is reporting, citing former head of the Kosovo and Metohija Cadastre Slavica Radomirovic.

March 2004 pogrom of Serbs in Kosovo remembered in schools (B92)

The first class in schools across Serbia today was dedicated to the March 17, 2004 anti-Serb violence in Kosovo, known in Serbia as "the March pogrom."

On the anniversary of the start of the riots, ministers of education and labor Mladen Sarcevic and Aleksandar Vulin visited the Petar Petrovic Njegos elementary in Belgrade and spoke with eighth grade students there.


“Kosovo automatically inherited property of Yugoslavia and Serbia” (RTK)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Justice has issued a press release specifying that the decision of the government of Kosovo to register as its own the immovable property originally registered under former Yugoslavia and Serbia is based on the Constitution of Kosovo and declaration of Kosovo’s independence.  “As an independent country and based on international law rules, Republic of Kosovo has automatically inherited ownership over Yugoslavia and Serbia state property as stipulated in the decision of the Republic of Kosovo Government.

Kocijančić: The question of property to solve in a transparent manner (Tanjug, Kontakt plus radio, RTS)

The European Commission estimates that the property issue in Kosovo must be solved within the framework of a transparent process, involving all the communities to which this issue refers.

"Issues related to property are sensitive and they should be dealt with and regulated through transparent and inclusive processes involving all the communities to which this issue refers. All interested communities must be prepared to engage in such an open and inclusive process," said Kocijančić.

Thaci: Creation of Kosovo army is legal and constitutional (media)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, said today at an open debate with representatives of Serbian media and civil society, at the Medeia Center based in Caglavica,, that the creation of a Kosovo army is legal and fully in line with the Constitution of Kosovo. He said he expects NATO to continue supporting the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) as it did since its establishment. “Transformation will be done by preserving partnership with our allies. We will have both the army and partners,” Thaci said.

Lost In Translation: Macedonia's ethnic tensions near the boiling point (and Soros is stirring the pot) (FOX News)

Macedonia gave the world Alexander the Great, who, legend has it, wept because he could find no more lands to conquer. Now, George Soros, the left-wing billionaire who also wants to rule the world, is meddling with events that could plunge Macedonia into chaos or civil war, and escalate U.S. tensions with Russia.

Dacic “advises” Kosovo not to apply for UNESCO (Koha)

Serbia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, “advises” Kosovo not to apply for UNESCO membership.

“The best thing would have been if Kosovo did not apply for membership at the UN Organization for Education, Science and Culture,” Dacic said to his Italian counterpart, Angelino Alfano, who is visiting Belgrade.

Dacic also is quoted as saying that UNESCO should not be politicized. “There is a syndrome of minor differences and major conflicts in Balkans,” Dacic said.

"OSCE in Kosovo ready to organize the vote" (KIM radio)

Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Jan Braathu said soon will be known whether the people of Kosovo with Serbian citizenship would be able to vote for the President of the Republic of Serbia in the elections scheduled for the 2nd of April.

Braathu recalled in the show "Free Serbian" that the OSCE few times so far technically assisted in the organization of Serbian elections in Kosovo.