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Council for National Security meeting in Belgrade (B92)

A meeting of the Council for National Security started on Monday around 13:00 CET in the Presidency of Serbia in Belgrade.

The meeting is dedicated to announcements coming from Pristina about the formation of an army in Kosovo, and to the Kosovo Assembly's request to suspend the dialogue with Belgrade until Ramush Haradinaj has been freed in France.

Lawmakers care about what happens in Kosovo, Sri Lanka and Georgia. Here's why (Washington Examiner)

Russian and Chinese ambitions to be great powers tested the Obama administration and will pose a continuing challenge to President Trump's ability to maintain the global network of U.S. alliances. But a group of House lawmakers isn't leaving that task to the president.

The House Democracy Partnership, a bipartisan commission of lawmakers started in 2005, is augmenting traditional executive branch diplomacy by building relationships with members of foreign legislatures in emerging democracies.

90 polling stations in Kosovo for the Serbia's presidential elections (Blic)

The Republic Electoral Commission announces that on April 2nd, for the Serbian presidential elections, in Kosovo would be open 90 polling stations and 53 abroad.

REC made the decision on the number of polling stations on the basis of notifications of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A decision on polling stations in Kosovo and Metohija on March 12 (Kontakt plus radio)

For the presidential elections in Serbia, scheduled for 2nd April, 8 253 polling stations will be open, it was announced today by the Republic Electoral Commission.

The REC also told that a decision about polling stations in Kosovo and Metohija will be made on 12 March.


US, NATO Condemn Kosovo's Plans to Turn Security Force Into Regular Army (VOA)

The United States said Wednesday that it was "concerned" by Kosovo's plans to convert its security force into a regular army without a constitutional amendment — a move sure to infuriate Serbia.

"We support the gradual transparent transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into a multiethnic force in line with NATO standards," a statement from the embassy in Pristina said.

Kosovo May Form Army, Bypassing Serb Veto (BalkanInsight)

Kosovo's president is mulling ways to bypass a Serb veto on the formation of an army by proposing changes that would broaden the responsibilities of the existing Kosovo Security Force.
Kosovo's President is planning to establish a regular army for the country by amending the current Law on the Kosovo Security Force, KSF, extending its powers and responsibilities.

A change to the competencies of the existing KSF would circumvent the need to win Kosovo Serb MPs' approval for the formation of a regular army.

Working group on Kosovo crimes meets (Tanjug)

A working group set up to gather facts and evidence of crimes against Serbs and other national communities in Kosovo-Metohija met on Monday to analyse its work to date, agreeing to carry out intensive activities in the period to come.

The third session of the working group was attended by Defence Minister Zoran Djordjevic, State Secretary at the Interior Ministry Biljana Popovic Ivkovic, State Secretary at the Justice Ministry Radomir Ilic and officials of state authorities involved in the work of the working group.


"Talks needed with outcome not rigged in Pristina's favor" (B92)

"Washington’s policy in the Balkans never made much sense," as the US "wanted to keep some nations together and dismantle others."

This is what international politics contributor for the Forbes, Doug Bandow, wrote for the media outlet's website, under the headline: "Bungled Intervention In Kosovo Risks Unraveling: A New Deal Needed For Peace".

Jokey Video Wants US to Put North Kosovo 'First' (Balkan Insight)

Northern Kosovo is the latest place where people are making satirical YouTube videos about US President Donald Trump’s slogan “America first”.

“America first, but North Kosovo ahead of Kosovo,” is the slogan of a new satirical video made in the northern, Serb-run part of Kosovo - playing on US President Donald Trump's election slogan of "America First".

“We have two governments, both claim the right to possess us, yet no one really cares about us,” the video, meaning Serbia and Kosovo.