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The meeting on normalization of air traffic over Kosovo (KIM radio)

Defence Minister Zoran Đorđević led the meeting of the Working Group on the normalization of air traffic over Kosovo, announced the Ministry of Defence.

The meeting also discussed the need to specify the details of the proposal platform for negotiations which should be presented to the Government of Serbia, and on current issues within the competence of the working group will discussed in Serbia and Brussels.

Đurić: Yet another in a series of denial of rights of the Serbian people (KIM radio)

Director of the office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić reacted to the opposition of certain Albanian politicians in Pristina to the holding of Serbian presidential elections in Kosovo, and cautioned on yet another in a series of attacks on the rights of the Serb population.

To establish a forum for reconciliation with the Albanians (N1)

Serbian national forum (SNF) held Thursday in Gračanica/Graçanicë a roundtable discussion on Serbian politics in Kosovo and new approaches in solving the Kosovo crisis.

It was said that that SNF supports Serbs intellectuals to fight for a different understanding of reality, and offers an authentic creation of a new Serb-Kosovo policy to defend the Serbian national interests.

Kosovo the largest recipient of the US aid in Balkans (KIM radio, Blic)

United States of America have the largest and most expansive program of foreign aid in the world, with an annual budget of up to $ 50 billion.

More than 18 billion of the budget goes for the economic development, often called the humanitarian aid, while $ 8.1 billion goes for the help to strengthen the security.

Kosovo is the largest recipient of US aid in the Balkans. In 2016 this aid amounted to 30 million dollars.

MFA distributes to UN documentary of the Humanitarian Law Center (Koha)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, distributed through its Consulate in New York the documentary published by the Humanitarian Law Center, to the UN permanent missions and observes.

According to the Ministry, the documentary offers “convincing” evidence on the level of impunity of Serbia’s war crimes committed against Kosovo Albanian civilians.

Vučić also plans a rally in Kosovo (Danas)

The coalition around SNS will hold a total of 26 rallies in 30 days of the presidential campaign, and one of these meetings is planned to be organized and in Kosovo, unofficially learns daily Danas from sources close to the election headquarters of Aleksandar Vučić.

As a possible date is mentioned 21 March, but point out that the venue of the rally is unknown yet.

Trump Administration Maintains US Support for Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

Contrary to the hopes of some Serbs that President Donald Trump might change course and favour Belgrade, the new US administration has repeatedly said that it supports Kosovo’s independence.

The Trump administration has offered a number of clear signals in the last week that its support for independent Kosovo will not waver, despite hopes among some Serbs that the new president’s desire for rapprochement with Russia might also make him more sympathetic to Belgrade’s cause.

Vucic:Citizens often see EU as machine for pressure over Kosovo (B92)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says he is convinced that Serbia will remain firmly on the European path when he "leaves the government in a month, two, or three."

During his meeting in Belgrade with members of EU's Working Party on Enlargement (COELA) and representatives of the EU Council and the European Commission, Vucic said that Serbia's strategic goal is EU membership, while maintaining traditionally good relations with "friends from the East."

Delawie: Religious leaders and families play crucial role on prevention of extremism (Media)

The Ambassador of the United States of America to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, saidtoday at the “Engagement of Civil Society in Countering Violent Extremism” round-table that violent extremism could be prevented if the religious leaders and Kosovo families are involved.