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Vučić: Are you threatening us again! (Sputnik)

Aleksandar Vučić, prime minister and elected president of Serbia, told Sputnik, on the occasion of yesterday's statement by the former head of the Verification Mission of the OSCE in Kosovo, William Walker that he has the project for "the unification of Albanians in Albania, Kosovo and in the Diaspora", the whole world has evidence on a silver platter about William Walker as lobbyist of the Greater Albania and that he as the head of the OSCE in Kosovo had advocated for the realization of this project.

Nikolic : Albanians can't avoid making concessions, and threaten (B92, Beta)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic has told UNMIK chief Zahir Tanin that Serbia is committed to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Nikolic also said that the efforts of Serbia aimed at Kosovo not becoming a state are effective as long as the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, performs its role to the extent and in the manner as before, the president's cabinet announced, according to Beta.

Minister walked out of Mauthausen ceremony over Kosovo flag (B92)

The flag of the non-existent state of Kosovo is an insult to all victims of the Second World War, Aleksandar Vulin has said.

Speaking on Monday, the Serbian minister of labor, social and veteran affairs explained his walkout over the weekend at the site of the Nazi death camp in Mauthausen, Austria, in this way:

Serbia delivers non-paper to EU with four requests (Večernje Novosti)

Minister without Portfolio in charge of EU integration Jadranka Joksimović and Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić met with ambassadors of EU member-states in Belgrade on Thursday. The ambassadors were informed about the current situation in the region, positions of Belgrade regarding the open threats and negative reactions towards Serbia as well as the concerns of the Serbian government that the EU and its members turn a blind eye on all that.

Belgrade expects EU's "greater engagement" in region (media)

Greater engagement from Brussels is expected regarding the situation in the region, Serbian officials have told EU ambassadors.

Minister without Portfolio in charge of EU integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric met with ambassadors of EU member-states in Belgrade on Thursday.

Nationalist and religious ideologies want to use EU's vacuum in Balkans (Lajmi)

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, said after his meeting with the Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, that nationalist and religious ideologies want to use EU’s vacuum in Balkans.

“We understand that EU is tired with enlargement. However, the aspiration of Western Balkans countries to become part of the EU, should not suffer due to this tiredness,” Thaci said.

“EU’s delay to approach the region of Western Balkans is threat for security,” Thaci said.

Blic: Weapons transported to Macedonia seized in Serbia (B92)

Serbia's Military-Security Agency (VBA) has seized a large quantity of weapons in the southern parts of the country.

According to the daily Blic, the weapons were being transported illegally to Macedonia.

It is assumed that the weapons were intended for "the party infrastructure of the biggest Albanian parties" whose officials took part in armed conflicts in Macedonia, and in Kosovo and Metohija, the newspaper is reporting, citing "VBA sources."

Hoxhaj: recognition by the five EU countries makes Kosovo stronger (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj, continued his second day of his visit to Brussels with meetings at the European Parliament.

At the meeting with the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Hoxhaj spoke about recognition of Kosovo by the five EU member states which have not recognized the independence of Kosovo yet.

“The five remaining countries should recognize Kosovo. This strengthens not only Kosovo but also the EU,” Hoxhaj said.