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"Association will not be discussed during this round" (media)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri informed through a press release that the parties will not discuss the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities during the new round of the discussions with Serbia which will be held in Brussels tomorrow and a day after.

The parties will discuss justice issues and Kosovo’s telephone prefix. Both parties will also report on the achieved progress in fulfillment of the obligations for implementation of these two agreements.

Mauritius backs Serbia's territorial integrity (Tanjug)

Serbian Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic spoke with Mauritian PM Anerood Jugnauth on the fringes of the summit of the International Organisation of La Francophonie in Antananarivo, thanking him for the support for Serbia's territorial integrity and non-recognition of Kosovo's independence.

They also discussed ways of improving political and economic ties and coordination of positions on international affairs, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Jihadis return from Middle East with "school certificates" (B92)

Extremists who return after leaving our country to fight in Iraq and Syria come back with a document certifying that they went to school there.

This document is then used to avoid serving prison time in Serbia, a penalty introduced by the new legislation outlawing participation in wars abroad.

This is what chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Control of Security Services Igor Becic told the Belgrade-based daily Politika.

Mustafa in Brussels at first meeting between the EU SAA Council  and Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, leads today in Brussels with the delegation of Kosovo at the first meeting between the Council of Stabilization Association Agreement and Kosovo.

Kosovo’s delegation led by PM Isa Mustafa, is represented by ministers Enver Hoxhaj, Abdullah Hoti, Skënder Hyseni, Hykmete Bajrami and deputy minister Anila Statovci.

Kosovo signs agreement on access to EU programmes (media)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, signed in Brussels today agreement enabling Kosovo access to EU programmes, a press release issued by the Kosovo’s Foreign Ministry states. This is the second contractual agreement Kosovo signs with the EU, following Stabilisation and Association Agreement.

Radojević: Entry ban for the BiH vehicle licence plates (Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo Deputy Interior Minister Milan Radojević confirms to Tanjug that the entry of vehicles with BiH plates is banned in Kosovo.

"Based on the interpretation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, taking into account that BiH authorities do not allow entrance of vehicles from Kosovo, the Kosovo Police has received instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ban the entrance of vehicles with license plates of BiH", said Radojević to Tanjug last night.

"Region's EU accession process has changed" (B92)

Croatia's EU accession marked the end of one accession model, Regional Cooperation Council Secretary-General Goran Svilanovic said on Thursday.

The process is now completely different for Western Balkan states due to the circumstances in the region and the EU itself, such as the economic crisis, migration and Brexit, he said.

"Europe must define itself first," Svilanovic said at a conference titled (Re)-Balkanisation of the Western Balkans.