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Kosovo-Serbia Agreements Were Doomed From the Start (BalkanInsight)

It is no surprise that none of the four agreements signed last year have got anywhere when both governments have been insincere about the normalisation process from the beginning.

From the start, the Brussels negotiation process met with serious criticism from civil society and public. The lack of transparency in the process and the exclusion of all parts of society except for governments contributed to the growth of fear and distrust among people on both sides.

Petrović: We are winning, and the Government of Kosovo is getting stronger (N1)

Everything that happens on Kosovo has already been negotiated in Brussels and the current situation is only an attempt of Marko Đurić and Aleksandar Vučić to show how they struggle to pull out the best variant of it, assesses the main editor of Danas daily, Dragoljub Draža Petrović.

Only three percent of people in know about SAA (Telegrafi)

People of Kosovo are very little informed about the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and they are largely unhappy with the political and economic situation, indicates a poll carried out by two Kosovo-based think tanks, the Pristina Institute for Political Studies and the Group for Political and Legal Studies.  Leonora Kryeziu from the Pristina Institute for Political Studies said the SAA requires Kosovo institutions to undertake a series of reforms for which the people have no knowledge of.

Đurić: Capacity of Cooperation Between Belgrade and Prištna Could Be Limitless (European Western Balkans)

The Belgrade Security Forum will take place next week in the Serbian capital, October 12-14. EWB, as one of the BSF's media partners, talked to Marko Đurić, director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, also a participant in this year's BSF panel "The Belgrade - Pristina Dialogue and the EU Future".

Serbia accused of inflating numbers of IDPs (Radio Free Europe)

The strategy for the return of displaced persons during and after the conflict in Kosovo, drafted by the Kosovo’s Ministry for Communities and Returns, is facing numerous challenges in its implementation stage. Ministry’s spokesperson, Uroš Staletović, said that usurped property is a significant obstacle to the return of displaced members of the Serb community. According to him, only ten percent of the IDPs have returned to Kosovo, namely 20,000 out of a total of 200,000.

Ymeri accuses Kosovo government for yielding to Serbia (Indeksonline)

Vetëvendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, said that the arrest of the Kosovo Police director for Mitrovica region, Nehat Thaçi, by Serbian authorities on terrorism charges shows to what degree the government of Kosovo has yielded to Serbia. “Serbia is not only not being conditioned for what it did during the war but it is also damaging us in peacetime while our government leaders keep silent and trust in Serbia’s mercy”, said Ymeri. He said that only through a conditioning policy will Serbia change. “Any other action leads to new arrests and other similar moves”, added Ymeri.

UN Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights Karima Bennoune in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio,TV Most)

Special Rapporteur of the United Nations in the field of cultural rights Karima Bennoune begins today a ten-day visit to Serbia and Kosovo. She will assess efforts to implement the right of all persons to participate in cultural life and the right to access and enjoy the cultural heritage. She will also consider the destruction of the heritage, both in the past and present.

Albanians encouraged by "somebody" to talk about referendum (B92)

Hashim Thaci's intent to organize a referendum on the unification of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo with Albania has the goal of pressuring Serbia.

This is what former head of Serbia's Military-Security Agency (VBA) Momir Stojanovic has told Russia's Sputnik broadcaster.

According to him, this announcement "coming from the president of the so-called state of Kosovo" is the consequence of the recently held RS Day referendum.