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Dačić: The speed of opening chapters depends of the Chapter 35 (Dnevnik)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić says that Serbia is committed to peace and stability in the region and stability in BiH, and adds that everybody should start searching for common interest.

Stating that Serbia did not support the referendum in the Republika Srpska, at the meeting of parliamentary committee for foreign affairs, Dačić said that Serbia, as a country which is a guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, will respond to any threat while being able to protect itself and its interests.

"Kosovo should have referendum on unification with Albania" (B92)

A member of the Kosovo Assembly from the ruling PDK party has spoken in favor of organizing a referendum on Kosovo's "unification with Albania."

According to Nait Hasani, Kosovo should "use the constitutional right to pass a law and organize the referendum."

Hasani said that he asked his party to do this "a long time ago" and that the law would give citizens "the right to decide about their unification with Albania," the Kossev website has reported.

Hasani: Agreement on telephone code, harmful for Kosovo (RTK)

Bajram Hasani, member of the leadership of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) has objected the agreement for the new telephone prefix for Kosovo. Hasani said a third party, in this case Austria, should not be applying at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for Kosovo’s prefix. “NISMA is against this agreement knowing that it is conditioned with application of a third state, in this case Austria, to apply for this code, which means that Kosovo would only be a user while Serbia would be the owner.

Migrants to use a new route - through Kosovo (Vesti)

If the situation deteriorates in Syria, Afghanistan, and if Turkey decides, depending on the outcome of negotiations with the European Union, to direct refugees to Europe, which are stationed in this country, in late October, Serbia could face a new big wave of migrants that would arrive through so far little used route - through Kosovo.

Delawie: We are strengthening Kosovo on the war against corruption (

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi, and the Ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo Greg Delawie, signed today amendment of the bilateral agreement on the Development Objective Agreement Grant (DOAG) .

The agreement includes determination of the U.S. government to help Kosovo institutions attain reforms which would push Kosovo’s development forward.