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Stop denying the cultural heritage of others - UN expert (B92)

Preliminary observations by the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Karima Bennoune, at the end of her October 3-14 visit to Serbia and Kosovo*

(*) Throughout this document, the reference to Kosovo shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo

Serb party pushes Belgrade's agenda in Kosovo (Balkaninsight)

The main Kosovo Serb party’s boycott of parliament shows that its decisions are guided by Belgrade, while also highlighting Pristina political leaders’ inability to integrate the country’s Serb minority.

Hyseni: Somebody told me on the phone: Sorry, I wanted to kill you (RTK)

Speaking about the political murders, Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Skënder Hyseni said that he is not certain if someone tried to kill him. Somebody apologized to him through a phone call telling him that he wanted to kill him. “It is a discourse where everyone that feels like it, deals with political murders and these matters should resolve in order to avoid this discourse,” Hyseni said.

Thaçi: Let us unite against human trafficking (RTK)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, participated at the organized conference for the European Union Day Against Human Trafficking. Thaçi stressed that many people in the world are facing this shameful phenomenon and Kosovo is not excluded. “This phenomenon should be prevented through concrete measures and actions,” Thaçi said. He said that this is the right momentum to united, prevent and fight this crime, in all its shapes and do more on protecting trafficked victims.

Albania PM Accused of 'Interfering' With Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

Edi Rama's remarks on Kosovo during his visit to Serbia have sparked a row over the level of involvement that Albania should have in Kosovo's affairs.

After Kosovo became the main topic of a recent debate between Rama and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, the general public, diplomats and analysts in both Kosovo and Albania have started a heated debate over the role that Tirana should play in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and in Kosovo's affairs.

EU encourages Serbia to continue reforms, normalise ties with Pristina (Tanjug)

The EU has encouraged Serbia to intensify implementation of reforms in key areas such as the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organised crime, and freedom of expression and the media, and also expects Belgrade to further normalise its ties with Pristina and align its foreign policy with the EU.

Trepca: Kosovo “nationalizes” bankrupt mining complex in Serbian enclave (New Europe)

Kosovo’s parliament voted last Friday to nationalize a huge mining complex, Trepca, and save it from bankruptcy; bankruptcy proceedings would have otherwise begun on November 1st.

Economic crisis turns political

Creditors have claims against Trepca to the tune of €1,4bn. That is more than 20% of Kosovo’s GDP. However, the mining complex is one of the biggest employers in Kosovo, which suffers from 32% unemployment.

Rama to Vučić: Trepca belongs to Kosovo and its citizens (

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, said during his speech at the Security Forum in Belgrade that Kosovo is the point where he does not agree at all with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. He told the Serbian Prime Minister that it would have been better for everyone if Serbia recognized Kosovo.

He added however that the political leaders in Pristina and Belgrade should be commended for the ongoing dialogue.