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Delegation of the German Christian Democratic Union visited Visoki Decani (Kossev)

A group of senior officials of the German Christian Democratic Union, led by European Parliament Vice-President Reiner Wieland, visited the Visoki Decani Monastery today where they talked about the current situation in Kosovo, as well as about the monastery itself with Abbot Sava Janjic.

German government for Deutsche Welle: Paris meeting postponed (Insajder)

The summit in Paris, where the top representatives of Serbia and Kosovo were supposed to meet, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is postponed.

This was confirmed by the German government's press service for Deutsche Welle.

Vucic 99 percent sure Paris meeting not happening (Serbian media)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic says that he is 99 percent sure that the Paris meeting of the Western Balkans leaders with Kosovo, planned for July 1, would not be held because the Albanians “are not ready to talk about anything important,” Serbian media reported.

Vucic adds that his impression was the Albanians wanted to send a message to the Germans and French that the Europeans should not take part in solving the Kosovo issue.

Speaking to the Belgrade based TV Pink, Vucic said:

No reason to meet in Paris if tariffs remain in place, says Serbian PM Brnabic (Serbian media)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that she sees no reason for officials from Belgrade and Pristina to meet in Paris unless the Kosovo Albanians revoke the tariffs on goods from Serbia, reported Serbian media.

“We are always prepared to sit down with people like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron as well as people from the region to discuss problems and ways to solve them,” Brnabic told reporters in Paris after a meeting with her French counterpart Edouard Philippe.

Apostolova: "The best solution for continuing dialogue is to abolish the tax" (RTS, RTK2)

Kosovo's progress report confirms its European perspective, but it also shows that there are no shortcuts on the way to the EU, said Nataliya Apostolova, Head of the EU office in Kosovo, adding a glass is half full, and that the continuation of the reforms requires a strong political will of the Assembly and Government.

US says Kosovo police operation legal, Russia demands apology from Pristina (FoNet, N1)

The UK, the US and Germany called on the UN Security Council during the Monday's meeting on Kosovo, to strategically revise the UNMIK mission, praising it for the job done so far, while Russia demanded an apology from Pristina for the treatment of its UN member, the FoNet news agency reported on Monday.

The US representative said Washington was concerned about the tensions between Pristina and Belgrade, adding both sides should go back to the dialogue on normalisation of relations.

Serbian List met with Matthias Lüttenberg (Radio Mitrovica Sever)

On the second day of the visit to Berlin, the delegation of the Serbian List, the President Goran Rakic, Vice President Dalibor Jevtic and members of the Presidency Bratislav Nikolic and Sasa Milosavljevic spoke with Advisor to German Chancellor Matthias Lüttenberg.

Vucic, Schroeder discuss NATO bombing of Serbia, Kosovo issue (Tanjug, B92, Blic)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is attending the prestigious WORLD.MINDS conference in Belgrade. The conference gathers leading world innovators, scientists, business leaders and artists, who are presenting the ideas of the new era in an inspirational way.

German soldiers to remain in KFOR, government says (N1, FoNet)

Germany will keep its soldiers in Kosovo as part of KFOR for another year because the situation there is unstable, Deutsche Welle reported.

The German government took the decision to keep the Bundeswehr troops in KFOR because it feels that the potential exists for conflicts, especially in the north of Kosovo, it said.

Serbia to continue lobbying for derecognition of Kosovo (Danas)

Belgrade-based daily Danas writes today it has learnt unofficially from diplomatic sources that Serbia would continue lobbying among the states that recognized Kosovo to revoke their decisions.

The daily recalled EU High Representative and a mediator in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels, Federica Mogherini urged earlier both Belgrade and Pristina to stop the lobbying activities related to recognition respectively derecognition of Kosovo, and that Pristina authorities needed to revoke 100 percent tariffs on goods from central Serbia.