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The secret meeting made it clear that elections will be held in June (gazetametro)

It appears that early elections are a done deal, and that except for the opposition, the biggest party of Kosovo, PDK, also wants elections and that in coordination with President Hashim Thaci.

The motion of no confidence initiated by Fatmir Limaj’s party appears to be well-coordinated and all chances are that it will lead Kosovo toward early elections.

What was discussed last night at the meeting between government and opposition (gazeta metro)

Representatives of the Albanian political parties at coalition government and those of the opposition parties, met on Friday afternoon. Media were not allowed at the meeting where deputy leaders of the political parties reportedly discussed the current political issues.

Marko Djuric to arrive in Kosovo instead of Vucic (Gazeta Metro)

After the decision of the Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, to annul the visit to Kosovo, the Director of the Office for Kosovo at the Serbian government, Marko Djuric will be arriving. Sources of the portal from Mitrovica North, said that the gathering in Leposavic will be held, despite the objections of Albanian citizens, who blocked the roads to object arrival of Serbian politicians in Kosovo.

Demarcation and Association will not pass, be it with Serbian or Russian List (Gazeta Metro)

Kosovo Assembly MP from Vetevendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi, said that demarcation of the border with Montenegro and Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities would not pass at the Assembly despite the return of the Serbian List at the Assembly. “The government by all means needs return of the Serbian List at the Assembly in order to fight Vetevendosje’s and opposition’s cause,” Selimi said. However, he added, “we are determined to stop the Association and demarcation even if they invite a Russian list.”

Fajon requests voting of demarcation, Kadaj-Bujupi objects (Gazeta Metro)

 In her second day of the visit to Pristina, European Parliament’s Rapporteur on visa liberalisation for Kosovo, Tanja Fajon, continued with her meetings with the Parliament of Kosovo.

Fajon met with the Commission for European Integration, to speak about visa liberalization, while the main subject of the discussions was voting of the demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

Serbian media: Kadri Veseli is buying arms from Pentagon (Gazeta Metro)

Serbian media continue to deal with all sorts of speculation  about Kosovo. The language of these media has significantly degraded in relation to Kosovo and Albanians. Consequence of this nationalist discourse is stopping of the train which was arriving from Belgrade to Kosovo and demolition of the wall in Mitrovica north.

“Shiptari” is the pejorative that some media in Serbia are using while referring to Albanians, the same word was used during Milisevic’s era.

Konjufca: Governments of Kosovo and Serbia are orchestrating spectacles (Gazeta Metro)

Head of the Vetëvednosje parliamentary group, Glauk Konjufca, said today at the Assembly session that government of Kosovo and Serbia are orchestrating spectacles, by stopping a train and not removing a wall. He added that situation in the north cannot improve by demolition of the wall or by stopping Serbian trains, but by dissolving of the parallel structures.

ROSU can act in the entire Kosovo, without KFOR's permission (Gazeta Metro)

Sources from NATO Headquarters said that the Brussels Agreement of 2013, mentioned these days by Serbia, does not include Kosovo police forces.

These sources, Serbian media report, claim that “Kosovo authorities do not have to seek KFOR’s permission to send their police forces anywhere in Kosovo.”

AKR and Vetevendosje to announce coalition in Mitrovica today (Gazeta Metro)

Citing an unnamed source, the news website reports that the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) and the Vetevendosje Movement (VV) will announce their coalition for the municipality of Mitrovica South, today at 11:00. Mitrovica South Mayor Agim Bahtiri earlier gave to Vetevendosje three municipal departments and the post of deputy mayor. The news website recalls that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) left the ruling coalition, after Bahtiri dismissed the LDK-head of the municipal education department.