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Thaci: Kosovo army in the interest of all communities (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci said transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into armed forces is in the interest of all communities in Kosovo, including the Serb. In his remarks at the debate on Serb community’s perceptions on KSF transformation organised by the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies and the Security Policy Research Centre, Thaci said Kosovo armed forces would not present a threat to anyone just as KSF presents no threat today.

NATO concerned over Pristina’s army plans (Novosti)

Unnamed NATO official said to Novosti daily that NATO is concerned over Pristina’s proposal to transform Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) into armed forces without constitutional amendments. Such unilateral steps are not helpful, Novosti daily reported today.

The official also said, the NATO Secretary General passed this message to the Kosovo authorities directly. He also called upon Kosovo authorities to remain in close contact with Belgrade and that NATO position on the armed forces has not changed.

Ruairí O’Connell: The army through the constitution but reach the Serbs on the ground (Blic, KoSSev)

Transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into the armed forces of Kosovo is not seen as a threat, it must be done through the constitution and it is important to reach the Kosovo Serb community on the ground in order to guarantee security and peace to everyone, says Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Pristina Ruairí O’Connell in an inteview with KoSSeV, reports daily Blic.

U.S. General Scaparrotti meets President Thaci (Telegrafi)

Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO Allied Command Operations, General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, and KFOR Commander, Major General Giovanni Fungo, met in Pristina today Kosovo President Hashim Thaci. Thaci thanked NATO officials for support in maintaining peace in Kosovo and stressed that the Alliance’s role in Kosovo has been crucial not only for security and stability in the region but also for cooperation between all communities. He said NATO’s role was “irreplaceable” and that Kosovo would always be grateful for it.

Uniforms as bait (Večernje Novosti)

Daily Newspaper Večernje Novosti today writes that Pristina, by receiving Serbs in the ranks of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF), intends to provide an argument at the time of asking the support from the international community for the formation of the Kosovo army.

They also want to alleviate the resistance of representatives of the Serbian community, writes Novosti.

Thaci: No one should be concerned about creation of Kosovo’s army  (RTKlive)

The ceremony of certification of the first generation of Kosovo Security Force (KSF) recruits from non-Albanian communities is being held today at the Doctrine and Training Command in Ferizaj.  Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie and KSF leaders are participating at the ceremony which is taking place at “Skenderbeu” caserne.

Thaci: Russian airplanes in Serbia, threat for Balkans (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci told Croatian daily Jutarnji that transformation of Kosovo Security Force into an army does not represent a threat for any country of the region, instead it would contribute to peace.

Thaci said that Kosovo is a sovereign state and as any independent country, has the right to have its own army. According to him, this will happen during this year and these forces will be trained according to NATO standards.

Serbian List: One condition - that there is no Kosovo army (media)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simic rejects that Serb representatives had "four conditions for the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into an army." Thus Simic has denied the statement of the outgoing Minister of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) Haki Demolli, reports Serbian media.

Demolli told Klan Kosova TV that the Serbian List had four conditions to vote in favour of KSF transformation into an army.

Thaçi’s initiative for the army to be discussed at the Security Council (,

Kosovo’s Army will be among many issues that will be discussed at the UN Security Council.

This was made known at the daily agenda of the United Nations, and this report will be presented by Zahir Tanin, Special Representative of the Secretary General and Chief of the Mission of Provisional Administration of the United Nations in Kosovo.

Serwer: Serbs should be convinced that Kosovo Army would defend them (

The U.S. expert on Balkan matters, Daniel Serwer, said at the conference “Kosovo Security Force – Perspective of the Future” organized by RIDEA Institute that Kosovo needs to be contributor of the security and not only its consumer. “What needs to be done more is to convince is to convince Serbs that KSF will not be against them, but it will be there to defend and react toward some external threat,” he said.