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Kosovo Army again on agenda of Pristina (Vesti)

The attempt of Pristina to push an amendment on the formation of a new army of Kosovo together with other constitutional amendments causes destabilization of the region, claim the interlocutors of Sputnik.

According to Aleksandar Jablanović, president of the Serbian List, the intention of forming new armed forces in the region is especially dangerous because that armed formation should be composed of people whose past is controversial (former KLA members).

NATO and EU are equally responsible for situation in FYROM (Koha)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj notes in his opinion piece that “the European Union and NATO have invested so much energy and attention to the ‘name issue’ that for years they have ignored the real and increasing problems in Macedonia”. According to Palokaj, “NATO and the EU have proved powerless vis-à-vis an irrational Greek blockade, and at the same time they have kept silent over the degradation of democracy and the corruption in Macedonia”. “Now we have the latest case in Kumanovo, and no one knows what has happened exactly.

NATO: Kosovo has accepted, KSF in the north only with KFOR’s permission (RTKlive)

“Kosovo has committed itself that Kosovo Security Force troops would not embark in the north of Kosovo without a preliminary permission from NATO,” this is NATO’s official response to Radio Kosova.

This office also rejected the claims of Serbian officials for existence of an agreement between NATO and Serbia which does not allow embarking of KSF as well as the future Armed Forces troops in the northern municipalities.

Kosovo finds consensus in Croatia for integration into the EU and NATO (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, on the second day of his to Croatia, met with the leader of the opposition party, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), Tomislav Karamarko. The meeting focused on the good cooperation between Kosovo and Croatia as well as opportunities to expand cooperation in the area of economy and the process of Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic integration. Thaci informed his interlocutor about the achievements of Kosovo in the consolidation of rule of law and focus on economic development.

Kosovo army will need NATO approval to act in north (Balkan Insight)

Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said Kosovo's future regular army would need to consult with NATO first about any actions in the Serb-majority north.

Prime Minister Mustafa said on Wednesday that NATO would not stand in the way of Kosovo forming its own army, but NATO's approval would be needed before it could undertake any action in the mainly Serbian far north of the country.

Mustafa: Armed Forces won’t go to the north without agreement with NATO (Kosovapress)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said in the meeting of the Kosovo government today that the draft law for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF) is ready and that now 2/3 of MP votes need to be secured for the adoption of the law. Mustafa also said that the Armed Forces will not go to the northern part of Kosovo without a prior agreement with NATO.

Pajaziti and Rasic taking part in NATO seminar (Telegrafi)

A Kosovo Assembly delegation consisting of MPs, Zenun Pajaziti and Nenad Rasic, is taking part in the “Rose-Roth” seminar in Belgrade organised by NATO’s General Assembly. Kosovo Assembly is invited to the NATO GA activities as an observer, a status granted in June 2014. A number of issues important for the Western Balkans will be addressed in the seminar, including Euro-Atlantic cooperation, regional cooperation, fight against corruption and organised crime. On the last day of the seminar, the participants will discuss dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade and the road ahead.

NATO has excellent cooperation with Serbia (Dailies)

NATO has excellent cooperation with Serbia, and respects its decision to not seek membership in the Alliance, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said.

He made the remarks during his address to the European Parliament (EP) on Monday.

"Serbia is a sovereign country and has the right to make decisions regarding its future on its own," Stoltenberg told MEPs when Croatian MEP Tonino Picula asked him to comment on the joint exercises of the Serbian and Russian armed forces "close to the Croatian border."
