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SLS Vice President joined Srpska Lista (RTV KIM, Insajder)

Bojana Todorovic, who was elected as a Deputy President of the Autonomus Liberal Party (SLS) at the last SLS election session, has left this party, RTV KIM reports citing Todorovic’s announcement.

The announcement reads that Todorovic is „disappointed with the SLS politics“ and „has decided to support the Srpska Lista“.

Presidetn of the SLS, Slobodan Petrovic did not comment on her resignation, however, in a statement to RTV KIM he said that „Todorovic is not in the party for 20 days“.

Bozidar Dejanovic, new mayor of Klokot (Blic, SRNA)

Srpska Lista candidate, Bozidar Dejanovic is a new mayor of Klokot municipality, the Kosovo Central Election Commission confirmed to the SRNA news agency.

The statement was made, following count of the so-called conditional and by-mail ballots.

According to SRNA, Dejanovic won 22 votes more, and his opponent Strahinja Spasic won 2 votes, which made total 1042 votes for Dejanovic and 1032 votes for Spasic.

With Dejanovic’s result, Srpska Lista achieved victories in all 10 Serb-majority municipalities, Blic daily reported.

NUNS condemned “discriminatory attitude” of Srpska Lista, seeks Simic’s apology (KoSSev portal)

Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) in the strongest terms condemned the attitude of Srpska Lista toward journalists and media, KosSev portal reported today.

NUNS called upon the leadership of the Srpska Lista “to apologize to the journalists and the public over the irresponsible and insulting attitude of Igor Simic, who is on behalf of the Srpska Lista responsible to cooperate with the media (…)”.

Djuric: Serbs in Kosovo realized salvation is in unity (RTS)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric said for the RTS morning news edition that the victory of the Srpska Litsa is a good foundation for the struggle to further improve the position of Serbs in Kosovo.

Djuric added that Srpska Lista won in 10 municipalities, LDK in 8, AAK in 7 and Self-determination in 5, RTS reported.

He also said that Serbs in Kosovo managed to pull together and respond to the call of their state and president Aleksandar Vucic.

By-mail votes could change result in Klokot (RTK2, Radio Kosovo 2, Kontakt plus radio)

Who would be a new mayor of Klokot, Strahinja Spasic or Bozidar Dejanovic would be known after the counting of all the ballots, Serbian media reported today.

Meanwhile, Dragan Petkovic is a new mayor of the Partes municipality.

Officially, there were two candidates running for the mayor of Klokot municipality. Strahinja Spacic as Srpska Lista candidate and Bozidar Dejanovic as a candidate of a Civic Initiative Klokot-Vrbovac.

Srpska Lista to freeze communication with Hashim Thaci (RTS)

RTS reports Srpska Lista sent a letter to the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, saying that his politics, in the segments related to the position of Serbs in Kosovo, is anti-constitutional, anti-legal and to the detriment of the Serb population.

Therefore, as Srpska Lista announced they would freeze any form of communication with Hashim Thaci. The List also protests because Hashim Thaci, who signed the Brussels agreement, did nothing to establish the Community of the Serb Municipalities in line with the signed agreement, RTS reported.

Srpska Lista: Cvetkovic has nothing to offer to citizens (KIM Radio)

Srpska Lista, reacting to the allegations of a candidate for Partes mayor, Nenad Cvetkovic leader of the Civic Initiative “Peoples Unity” that “votes are being paid for” in this municipality, refuted its claims, saying that “Srpska Lista convincingly won elections in Partes on 22 October, and everything else is a consequence of Cvetkovic’s lies and manipulations,” KIM Radio reported.

Hodza left meeting on demarcation over lack of translation (KIM Radio)

Srpska Lista MP, Adem Hodza left the Assembly Board for the European Integration session as there was no translation in Serbian language provided, KIM Radio reported.

Chair of the Government Commission for the Borderline Demarcation with Montenegro, Shpejtim Bulliqi was presenting the report at the session.

Bulliqi stated last week, the Commission found out that Kosovo has lost part of its territory with the current agreement on demarcation with Montenegro, KIM Radio reported.

Serb minister, MPs: Important not to make unilateral decisions (KIM Radio)

Security of Serbs and other non-majority communities, Islamic radicalism and the necessity of full KFOR presence in Kosovo were among the topic of the meeting between members of Srpska Lista and NATO Deputy Secretary General, Rose Gottemoeller in Pristina on Friday, KIM Radio reported.

“Elections in Serb areas below European standards” (KIM Radio)

The election process in municipalities with Serb majority did not meet European standards of democratic elections, stated EU Heads of Missions, KIM Radio reported.

Although EU Heads of Missions are pleased that based on the report of the EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) elections were held in a peaceful and regular manner in most of the places, they noticed with concern that pre-election campaign in the Serb areas in Kosovo was marked with intimidations, KIM Radio further said.