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Rakic: Whatever happens, strong relations with Belgrade remain (Novosti, KoSSev)

In the next few days I expect consultations with the Albanian political leaders, and after that we will make a decision whether or not to participate in the government of interim institutions in Kosovo, new Char of Srpska Lista and mayor of Mitrovica/Mitrovice North, Goran Rakic stated to Novosti daily.

Serbs will get two ministries and positions of deputies? (Novosti)

Novosti daily reported that these days, the leaders of major Albanian parties are in the process of intensive negotiations on the formation of the future government in Kosovo, while the representatives of Serbs say they have not yet received any official invitation for consultations.

“No one has contacted us yet, but of course we will talk to everyone and we will strive to provide the best possible position through the central institutions for the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo” Slavko Simić, President of the Srpska Lista told “Novosti”.

Djuric: Srpska Lista should not hurry regarding forming government (Tanjug, Blic)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director, Marko Djuric stated Srpska Lista should not hurry and should leave it to the Albanian parties, if they can, to agree about the formation of the future government in Pristina.

“My advice to the Serbian political representatives is to take it slowly. Do not hurry, do not rush, leave it to Albanians to agree among themselves, and then slowly we will see through discussion with Srpska Lista to define what is our interest in this story and is there any, stated Djuric to the Serbian media while visiting Banjska, north of Kosovo, yesterday.

Serbian List: We will talk to everybody, including Haradinaj (media)

President of the Serbian List Slavko Simić said that the Serbian List will participate in all political consultations, regardless of who the new PM designate is going to be. Simić stated this in an interview for Radio Free Europe.

He said that the List is ready to participate in the political consultations with the representatives of Albanian parties, in order to perceive their real positions, when replying the question on whether and under which conditions would Serbian List support the government of Haradinaj.

AAK’s Selmanaj: PAN has sufficient votes to form government (media)

Member of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leadership, Rasim Selmanaj, said after the meeting of the party’s highest body that the PAN coalition has sufficient votes to form the new government of Kosovo. Selmanaj said everything will be clarified next week and that Serbian List and other communities will be part of the new government.

Shkelzen Gashi: If VV comes to power, maybe only Kurti will remain uncorrupt (Kosovo 2.0)

Shkelzen Gashi, one of Vetevendosje co-founders, alongside Albin Kurti, speaks about its growth during elections, its past mistakes and their being ill prepared to govern, reports Kosovo 2.O.

In late 2004, a donkey was brought before Kosovo’s government building, and on it a banner reading “vote for me.” Three youngsters were leading the compliant donkey closer and closer to the building. There they would later express their severe opposition towards local politicians, as well as the first articulated form of opposition against the international community stationed in Kosovo.

“Kosovo authorities clearly say they do not want to integrate us” (KIM Radio, Kontakt plus radio)

Non-governmental organization Activ from Mitrovica North organized yesterday a conference dedicated to difficult procedure and obstacles to obtain Kosovo citizenship, document that is a prerequisite to have Kosovo identification documents.

In a wider context this issue was identified as the main obstacle to integration, in particular northern part of Kosovo into Kosovo society.

Rakić: Without Serbian List impossible to form a government (Kontakt Plus radio)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakić said that without the Serbian list impossible to form a government in Pristina, and that some Albanian parties already make plans without taking this into account. Rakić is reminding that the Serbian List owns 10 mandates, reports North Mitrovica based Kontakt plus radio.

He added that formation of a new government in Pristina implies respecting the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo.