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There is a video-recording which proves that Kumanovo was not an incident (

Media in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), reported that a foreign intelligence service possesses a video and audio recording which proves that the incident in Kumanovo was an deal and a professional set-up.

The recording reportedly shows clearly how inspectors of FYROM intelligence service contact the Kosovo group. This material will enlighten the truth about the role of the FYROM intelligence service and some political figures before and during the incident.

Kosovo Police has information that ISIS has ordered terror attacks in Pristina (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s security institutions have received information that people close to Lavdrim Muhaxheri, the leader of Albanians fighting for ISIS, have ordered their people in Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to carry out terror attacks in Pristina and Skopje. The news site claims to possess the communication between top security officials in Kosovo ordering the Kosovo Police to undertake all necessary measures to respond to such threats.

New Talks on Macedonia Crisis Open in Brussels (Balkan Insight)

The EU Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, has summoned Macedonian government and opposition leaders to Brussels on Wednesday for detailed talks on ending the country's crisis.

Hahn is due to meet Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and opposition Social Democrat leader Zoran Zaev in Brussels on Wednesday to discuss an agreement on a transitional period that will lead up to snap elections by next April.

Does Hahn get the FYROM crisis? (Koha Ditore/EU Observer)


Last week’s statement by commissioner Johannes Hahn on Macedonia’s election track record comes at the worst possible moment for efforts to resolve the political crisis. At an event hosted by the National Council, a think tank in Washington, on 4 June, Hahn said the last elections in Macedonia (in 2014), as with other votes, had been monitored by the OSCE/ODIHR and “in general the report on them was positive”.

UNMIK Headlines 8 June

• Opposition to use protests and political actions against special court (Koha)
• Zbogar: Economic development, crucial for Kosovo (dailies)
• Nishani: Albanians are existential factor in Macedonia (Koha)
• Selimi calls for support for Kosovo’s UNESCO membership (Zeri)
• Special war in Presevo Valley (Zeri)

Eight point agreement reached in Skopje (Gazeta Express)

The meeting of the four political leaders in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), with the European Commissioner for enlargement, Johannes Hahn, ended in Skopje with an agreement. Hahn did not give any details, however, several portals published an agreement reached at the meeting of the leaders of VMRO-DPMNE, SDSM, BDI and PDSH. The draft of the political agreement between the four political parties contains eight points, they are:

SDSM (Social Democratic Union of Macedonia) to return to Parliament,

Albanian Intelligence Service knew about Kumanovo, it informed Kosovo but not FYROM (Koha)

Citing a report published by Skopje-based newspaper Vecer, the news site reports that the Albanian Intelligence Service (SHISH) was aware of the armed group and the attack that was carried out in Kumanovo, in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The newspaper reports that the Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (AKI) were also aware about the activities of this group. The armed group was reportedly being investigated by four intelligence services, including SHISH. The latter passed on information to the Kosovo authorities, but not to FYROM.