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German ambassador to Serbia: Brussels dialogue isn’t dead; it’s just not happening right now (Serbian media)

German ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb says that the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue is not dead even after the cancellation of the Paris meeting.

According to Schieb, the idea was not to change the role of the EU and the format of the talks, but to support the current framework of the dialogue.

“The dialogue is not dead, it is just not happening at the moment,” the ambassador told the state Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV).

US Ambassador: The US will not lead the Belgrade-Pristina process (FoNet, N1)

The US Government will not lead the normalisation process between the official Belgrade and Pristina, that is the European Union's (EU) job, but we will be there to help as much as possible,” US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott said in an interview with FoNet.

State Department offers help in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue; Do not equalize Pristina and Belgrade, says Djuric (Srna, Beta, N1)

Belgrade and Pristina must remove obstacles, avoid provocations and return to negotiations, the State Department announced on the occasion of the cancellation of the summit in Paris, which was due to be held on July 1, under the auspices of Germany and France.

The United States said in its communique that they continue to support the European Union's (EU) dialogue mediation and the normalization of relations between the two capitals.

Paris summit called off due to Pristina's behaviour in Berlin, says Djuric (RTS, N1)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Pristina said that Pristina representatives acted irresponsibly and arrogantly towards the host at a preparatory meeting for the Paris summit, in Berlin, which was one of the reasons why the summit was cancelled, reports Serbian media. Djuric added that someone in Pristina was very nervous and feared of Serbia.

German government for Deutsche Welle: Paris meeting postponed (Insajder)

The summit in Paris, where the top representatives of Serbia and Kosovo were supposed to meet, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, is postponed.

This was confirmed by the German government's press service for Deutsche Welle.

Paris: To be or not to be? (Blic, KIM radio)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says that most probably there will not be a meeting in Paris.

Unnamed diplomatic circles told Belgrade based daily Blic that representatives of Berlin and Paris will hold a series of unofficial meetings with Haradinaj and Thaci this week to prepare for a meeting on July 1 in Paris.

Blic reports today, citing a diplomatic source that several meetings have already been held.

N1: EU calls Belgrade and Pristina to implement all agreements (Serbian media)

European Union foreign ministers on Tuesday called the Kosovo government to immediately revoke the 100 percent tariffs imposed on goods from Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina, adding that Belgrade and Pristina have to implement all agreements reached in the EU-facilitated dialogue.

What does the draft Conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers contain? (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti reports that a comprehensive legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina should cover all outstanding issues in line with international law and EU acquis and contribute to regional stability.

EU’s Hahn: Political compromise in Western Balkans must be rewarded (N1, FoNet)

Political agreement in the Western Balkans should be rewarded, the European Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hahn said on Monday and called on the bloc’s foreign ministers to start accession talks with North Macedonia, the FoNet news agency reported.

Hahn added the move would be an essential signal to the whole region.

Dacic: Great reserves concerning the outcome of the Paris Meeting (KIM Radio, Kurir)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Belgrade based daily Kurir that there is a certain will of Germany and France to hold a meeting in Paris, but there are also large reservations regarding the outcome of that meeting, KIM Radio quoted.

"If it is not known in advance that the outcome of the meeting will be positive, I do not think there will be a meeting, which would indicate that Haradinaj is stronger than all of them," Dacic told Kurir.