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Vucic on Kosovo: I will seek to convince people (B92)

We will be ready to talk to Albanians at any time, but we expect the Brussels agreement to be fulfilled, says President Aleksandar Vucic.

According to him, Albanians say that they have no intention of fulfilling the obligations from the Brussels agreement, "which says they have courage and daring, but also someone's support."

Management Team met with health institutions’ directors, discussed healthcare improvements (Radio Kosovska Mitrovica)

Management Team for the establishment of Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities met today with directors of the largest healthcare institutions active in Serb-majority municipalities, who provided a number of useful suggestions regarding the future situation and health needs of communities, Radio Kosovska Mitrovica reported.

Kocijancic: EU for urgent implementation of agreement on ZSO (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Belgrade and Pristina conduct a dialogue on normalization of relations, and within it an agreement on forming the Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities should be implemented without further delays, EU Commission Spokesperson Maja Kocijancic told Tanjug news agency, adding that the work on a new phase of a dialogue, necessary for a legally binding agreement commenced in parallel.

“We are very clear when we say that full implementation of the agreements made in dialogue is urgently needed,” Kocijancic added.

Dacic: Government shall never sign Kosovo membership in UN (Danas)

“This Government, this President of Serbia, this ruling coalition shall never recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said, Danas daily.

Speaking about legally binding agreement, Dacic said those who are legal professionals they know, and he is not a one, however, he knows that such a thing does not exist, if there is an agreement it is also presumably binding.

"I said Pristina would lie - and I was right" (BETA, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic says everything that can be heard from representatives of provisional institutions in Kosovo and Metohija "only confirms what he said earlier."

"Pristina does not intend to fulfill its obligations under the Brussels agreement, and they don't hide it," he said, referring to the formation of the Community of Serb municipalities.

Dacic: EU suffers from muteness and deafness when it comes to Serbia (Vecernje Novosti)

Kosovo is a priority in all Serbian diplomatic activities, Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told Novosti daily, adding that the visit of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel is important since this country would now have more understanding for Serbia.

Dacic emphasized it is important “to reach to everyone,” but he does not expect the EU would act differently now.

“The EU suffers from a serious disease, and it is muteness and deafness when it comes to Serbia. Maybe this disease can be cured, but one should work on it,” Dacic said.

Drecun: Management Team for ZSO Statute contrary to agreement (TV N1, Danas)

Chairperson of the Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told TV N1, Serbs in Kosovo did not give up on ZSO, but decided to wait since Pristina made a political manoeuvre.

Management Team for ZSO Statute Pristina is establishing is not in accordance with Brussels agreement, Drecun said, therefore the ZSO Statute would be in contradiction to that agreement as well.

Language barriers, poor translation of laws, lack of interpreters major judiciary issues, six months after integration (Kontakt plus radio)

Language barriers, incorrect translation of laws and insufficient number of interpreters are still the biggest issues affecting the work of the judiciary in the north of Kosovo, six months after implementation of the Agreement on Judiciary, Kontakt plus radio reported.

Taking into consideration that everything started from a scratch, the efficiency is expected at a later stage, given good mutual cooperation.

Srpska Lista to Apostolova: Pristina to adjust laws for ZSO (RTS, RTV)

Pristina has to amend and adjust its laws and other legal acts, thus enabling conditions for establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities in accordance with the obligations it undertook by signing the Brussels agreement, Srpska Lista (SL) said yesterday, RTS reported.

We expect that EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Natalya Apostolova reminds Pristina about that obligation, SL further said.

Rakic: No preconditions for opening the bridge (RTS, Tanjug)

The insistence of Maja Kocijancic on the opening of the bridge in Mitrovica  "without delay", as she said, was not based either on what was agreed in Brussels nor on the valid assessment of the situation on the ground, assessed the president of the Serb List Goran Rakic, reports Serbian national broadcaster RTS.