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Extraordinary elections – this was what PDK fought for (Koha Ditore)

According to Halil Matoshi, the entire battle to block the institutions of Kosovo was initiated “One beautiful summer day” by Hashim Thaci when he saw the that the Parliament majority, induced by his bad governance, deceptions and humiliations, was on the other side. The Democratic Party of Kosovo was not after the post of the Assembly Chairperson, but after helping Thaci to govern for the third time.

Kurti pursuing Thaci’s way (Zeri)

Enis Veliu stresses in today’s editorial of this paper  that Kosovo population gave votes to Albin Kurti and his party, believing in his vision promoted during the election campaign. “They voted for him trusting in his promises to change the manner of governing which has destroyed Kosovo. They did not vote for Kurti to fulfill the aims of a minor group of people, ignoring the votes of the poor population,” writes Veliu.

This is why internationals are against elections! (Gazeta Blic)

Some international officials in Kosovo are categorically against early elections. International sources told Gazeta Blic that there are two reasons why they think new elections are not necessary. “We could face the same situation again; the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and other parties of the bloc might not reach a pre-election agreement and the PDK would be the winning party again. This is why new elections might not be productive,” the source said.

Reasons why the Bloc is not giving up the speaker’s post (Gazeta Blic)

Coalition between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje – LVAN - are ready to give up the post of Assembly speaker to the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) but they fear that once the PDK takes it, it will not allow President Atifete Jahjaga to nominate the Bloc’s candidate for prime minister, an unnamed official from the Bloc said.

PDK gives up numbers, insists on new elections (Gazeta Blic)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo is finally convinced that it does not have the numbers to elect the Assembly Speaker and establish the government.

“PDK has understood the determination of the Albanian parties not to co-govern with them, therefore their only option remains to delay the constitutive session as long as possible, leading in this manner the country towards new elections,” said a close source to the recent political developments.

Osmani: Assembly session will be held tomorrow (Koha online)

After the meeting with the chairperson of the Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina, member of the leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, said that she represented the 62 deputies who signed the request for the session to be held on Thursday and expressed their position regarding this session.

VLAN wants the session, PDK against (kohaonline)

Coalition block and Vetevendosje are determined to continue with the constitutive session of the Assembly tomorrow, no matter if the Democratic Party participates or not. They will even hold a debate and draw conclusions through which they would offer a solution and inform all respective bodies, such as the Presidency and other bodies which recognize parliamentary majority.

Haradinaj: We don’t know what to discuss with PDK (Indeksonline)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), told reporters after meeting President Atifete Jahjaga today, that the coalition bloc will go to the Assembly session on Thursday with the aim of electing the Assembly Speaker. Haradinaj said a government that has lost the majority in the Assembly should resign. “Cancelling the assembly session or failing to schedule one does not help overcome the current situation. On Thursday we will go to the session with the aim of electing the Assembly Speaker. There will be a debate beforehand.