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Mustafa and Veseli discuss the ruling coalition (Insajderi)

Kosovo's Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Assembly President Kadri Veseli, met today to discuss the ruling coalition led by their respective parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). The Assembly issued a media communique after the meeting noting that discussions focused on the current developments, with special emphasis on the visa liberalization process.

Veseli: Elections in 2018 (Koha)

Despite constant requests by opposition parties, Kosovo's Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and President Hashim Thaçi have denied the possibility of early parliamentary elections. Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, who was recently elected president of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), said today that there will be no early elections. “Elections will be held in 2018” Veseli was quoted saying.

Veseli: Kosovo was a leader in combating religious extremism (media)

Several media have picked up an interview that Kadri Veseli, President of the Kosovo Assembly and acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), gave to Klan Kosova on Thursday. Veseli said in the 2005-2006 period, Kosovo was a leader in combating extremism in the region. He said he could not reveal if the former Intelligence Service of Kosovo (SHIK) met with people who were trying to promote radical Islam and if it asked them to leave Kosovo, “because the work of intelligence services is secret”.

Senior PDK official to be arrested soon? (Indeksonline)

Citing sources in the Special Prosecution of the Republic of Kosovo, the news site reports that a senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is expected to be arrested soon. “This official is expected to be arrested very soon, as there is an order from the Special Prosecution and because investigations in this case are now over,” the source said. The source could not reveal the identity of the suspect but said that he was already mentioned in the past for his suspected involvement in criminal activities.

Police escorts Visar Ymeri to court (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Police escorted leader of the Vetevendosje movement Visar Ymeri, to court, for the session on the case of fighting with the MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Bekim Haxhiu.

Visar Ymeri, MP Rexhep Selimi, former MP Florin Krasniqi and driver, Besart Bujupi, are accused to have physically attacked Bekim Haxhiu known as Kamishi in 2012, in front of the Kosovo Assembly facilities.

PDK MP calls on PM Mustafa to dismiss Minister of Health (media)

Several media report that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Bekim Haxhiu has called on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa today to dismiss the Minister of Health, Imet Rrahmani, citing the grave situation of the healthcare system. Haxhiu wrote on Facebook: “Prime Minister you should dismiss Imet Rrahmani. Kosovo has the necessary potential and there are people both within and outside the coalition partners that can improve the situation in the healthcare system.

Veseli’s offer: Kosovo might go for early elections (Gazeta Blic)

The President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, who is also acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, will meet this week with the Prime Minister of Kosovo to discuss a new platform for overcoming the crisis. This platform could include an agreement on early elections, reports Top Channel.

According to sources of this media, within the cabinet of the Assembly President, the offer could result with a comprehensive agreement for early elections, but not in a short period of time.

PDK: Setting vehicles on fire, an attempt to destabilize the country (Gazeta Express)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) issued a press release regarding the setting on fire of official vehicles in Gjilan, Ferizaj and Mitrovice. This party assessed the attacks as an attempt to destabilize Kosovo and cause insecurity among the people of Kosovo. PDK has requested the respective institutions to investigate all the cases and make the perpetrators face justice.

Police arrest Vetevendosje’s Xhelal Svecla (Telegrafi)

The news site reports that Kosovo Police arrested Xhelal Svecla, Inspection Director at Pristina municipality and member of the Vetevendosje Movement, this morning. Media recall that the prosecution had issued an arrest warrant for Svecla over an action by the Vetevendosje Movement that resulted in the demolition of EULEX vehicles in 2013.