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Djuric: We will fight for the Community of Serb municipalities (Blic)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that the Government, despite difficult negotiations, managed to be with its people in the southern province and announced that he would continue to fight for the Community/Association of the Serb municipalities.

According to him, the motto by which the government was guided in solving the problems of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija was: "Who if not we?" and "When, if not now?".

The privatization process of Brezovica close to an end (Politika)

The privatization process of Ski-Centre ''Brezovica'' is coming to an end, and the local Serbs believe that this will be the hardest blow for them since 1999.

''If they take mountain from us, we're done,'' repeat the Serbs in Brezovica, in the Sirinicka parish, municipality of Strpce, the utmost South of Kosovo. The privatization process of Ski-Centre ''Brezovica'' is coming to an end, the Franco-Andorran consortium ''Company di Alpi'' and their representative Pascal Roux offer 410 million euro of investment in the mountain, which they would get through expropriation.

Djuric: Belgrade fulfilled all obligations, Pristina did not (Tanjug)

Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said in Mitrovica on Thursday that Belgrade had implemented all points, from the 7th to the 15th, of the Brussels agreement on the normalization of relations with Pristina.

It now rests with Pristina to implement the first six points of this agreement, Djuric said at a meeting with representatives of local governments in northern Kosovo.

Community of municipalities obligation under Brussels deal (RTS, KIM radio, TV Most, Tanjug)

Politically, establishment of the community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo is an obligation under the Brussels Agreement and it is advocated by Belgrade and the representatives of the Srpska list in the province, the head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija, Marko Djuric, said Wednesday.

The Brussels Agreement is not a "buffet" where everyone can take what suits them, Djuric said at a conference on respect of European human rights conventions in Kosovo, organised by the Strasbourg House of Justice.

In Gracanica consultation, the decision in Brussels (Danas)

Although the Government of Serbia has announced the last week's joint emergency meeting of all 10 Serbian municipalities in Kosovo's local government system as ''the start of the creation of political unity and institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, whose formalization will be considered later", the Serbian mayors now are announcing that "the initiative for the establishment of Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) is raised to a higher political level."

"Community of Serbian municipalities a crown of Serbian unity" (KIM radio)

The formation of Association/Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) remains a priority of the Serbs in Kosovo, said Branimir Stojanovic, Kosovo's deputy prime minister.

He pointed out that it is necessary to solve the issues of privatization, the full protection of property and rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

Stojanovic said that ten conclusions, which representatives of municipalities with Serbian majority in Kosovo made a few days ago at a meeting in Gracanica, have reflected the need of Serbs in Kosovo, not a political option or party.

Initiative for Community/Association of Serbian municipalities raised to a higher level (KiM radio, TV Most, Vecernje Novosti, Blic)

Gracanica Mayor, Vladeta Kostic said that the recent first joint meeting of municipalities with Serbian majority practically raised the issue of establishing the Association/Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) and that the initiative is now raised to a higher political level.

Kostic said that in formal legal terms, the process of creating the ZSO has not started yet, because the legal requirements are not met, nor the statute of the Community was adopted.

Djuric today at the meeting in Gracanica about Community/Association of Serbian municipalities (TV Most)

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric will participate today in Gracanica at the round table "Decentralization and Serbian communities in Kosovo and Metohija", which will be dedicated to the implementation of the Brussels Treaty and establishing of the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities.

One word crashes Community/Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO)?

Whether will the existing laws of Kosovo be the base for the establishment of Community of Serbian municipalities, which would then lead to the level of non-governmental organizations, or Pristina will adjust the regulations so that the ZSO belong the jurisdiction agreed in Brussels - this is the main point of contention between Belgrade and Pristina, which hinders its formation.

"Community of Serbian municipalities for 3 to 5 months" (Vesti)

Community/Association of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo shall be established for three to five months, said the vice president of the Kosovo government Branimir Stojanovic.

Question of Community/Association of Serbian municipalities should be solved. He said that a deadline was set by the Serbian List in the coalition agreement that was signed with the Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Democratic League of Kosovo.

Stojanovic said that it remains to agree on the statute of the Community/Association at the highest level possible, because it will define its powers.