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Kurti: Tomorrow’s protest starts at 10:00 and it will be massive (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Assembly MP Albin Kurti, from Vetevendosje movement said to TV Dukagjini that the protest of the united opposition to oppose Hashim Thaci’s election for president of Kosovo, will start on Friday at 10:00 hours. According to Kurti, the government is trying to pass for president an individual who accepted the Demarcation and Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. “There was no extraordinary session in Kosovo for education, healthcare or the North.

Why is Vetevendosje hampering hopes for change (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s columnist Enver Robelli writes in an opinion piece today that the Vetevendosje Movement is hampering hopes for positive change in Kosovo with their confidence in the fact that their arguments represent the truth, whereas those of others are not worthy. "The Vetevendosje MPs so desperately insist that they represent the people, but then deny others to claim this. Any journalist who does not agree with the opinions of Vetevendosje is labeled as an "embassies’ journalist" by activists of this party.

Ymeri: Opposition will not participate in today’s session (Koha)

Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri said today that the opposition MPs have decided not to take part in the Kosovo Assembly session today. “We decided not to participate in today's session and prepare for the next session. But, if the Assembly decides today on the election of the president, the purpose of our protest will change,” Ymeri said. Today’s session is a continuation of Friday’s session which was interrupted three times by the opposition MPs throwing teargas in the hall.

Caushi: Vetevendosje did not burn the cars, attacks are not unexpected (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje Deputy Leader, Driton Caushi, told RTV Dukagjini today that an increasing number of people are joining the protest organized by the joint opposition in downtown Pristina. Asked to comment on the attacks against the vehicles of two government ministers, Caushi said the Vetevendosje Movement has nothing to do with the attacks. “However, such attacks are not unexpected given the aggressiveness of the government vis-à-vis the opposition and the people of Kosovo,” he added.

Opposition representatives call for early parliamentary elections (Kosovapress)

Opposition representatives told the news agency today that although early parliamentary elections were not their initial objective, elections are now seen as the only solution to the political crisis. Muharrem Nitaj, spokesman for the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said the opposition expected the government would reflect on the “two anti-constitutional” agreements, referring to the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities.

Opposition leaders: Starting from today we will protest day and night (media)

The three leaders of the opposition bloc, Vetevendosje’s Visar Ymeri, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) leader Fatmir Limaj told reporters in Pristina today that starting at 14:00 the opposition will begin its non-stop protest against the government. Ymeri said: “Today we are starting our non-stop protest against this anti-constitutional regime. The protest will go on until the downfall of this government”.

Opposition plans to set up tents on main square to oppose Thaci (Insajderi/Kosovapress)

According to the news site, the three opposition parties – the Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), are planning to set up tents on Pristina's main square in an attempt to prevent Hashim Thaci’s election as President of Kosovo. Unnamed sources told the news site that protesters will stay on the main square until 7 March, the last deadline for presidential elections after which the country would immediately have to hold early elections.

Opposition MPs escorted outside Assembly building (media)

All media report that several opposition MPs were escorted by security outside the Kosovo Assembly building. Media quote Assembly President Kadri Veseli saying that 18 opposition MPs were suspended from Friday’s session after incidents involving teargas canisters. Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri later told reporters that MPs were forcefully escorted outside the building without a document or decision by the Assembly to support this action. “Someone made this arbitrary call. This government has lost its legitimacy,” Ymeri was quoted saying.

Former Vetevendosje leader pelted with eggs (media)

Several media report that former Vetevendosje leader and Kosovo Assembly member, Albin Kurti, was pelted with eggs by two persons today as he was entering the Assembly premises. Police managed to arrest one of the attackers. The Vetevendosje Movement later issued a press release saying it suspects that the attackers were police officers in civilian clothes.

Ymeri: Prosecution of Vetevendosje activists continues, Thaci insulted citizens (Koha)

The leader of the Vetevendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, said today at a press conference that Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci threatened citizens who participated at the protest. “These threats and insults are unacceptable and punishable,” said Ymeri and added that Thaci should give account for his statements made on Wednesday after the protest.