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Svarm: The political murder of Oliver Ivanovic was ordered (N1, NMagazin, KIM radio, Danas, Kossev)

The murder of Oliver Ivanovic was ordered, planned, political killing, and there is no doubt about it, according to the editor of the Belgrade weekly Vreme Filip Svarm. Deputy Oliver Ivanovic Ksenija Bozovic says she does not expect killers and orderers to be found, she thinks that there will not be a conflict between Serbs and Albanians, but that a faster migration of Serbs from Kosovo can occur, N1 reports.

Lazarevic: Verbal attacks drew a target on Ivanovic's forehead (N1)

The editor of KoSSev portal from northern Mitrovica, Tanja Lazarevic, told TV N1 in a Show Pressing that she does not want to politicize the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, nor to speculate on who could stand behind this act, but points out that northern Mitrovica has become a dangerous place for life in the last four years and that the SDP leader was subjected to terrible verbal attacks.

Haradinaj: I speak to everyone, I am open (Kossev, Slobodno Srpski)

Haradinaj says that all issues that have so far been part of the dialogue in Brussels have no weight, because the main question between Kosovo and Serbia has not been resolved, and that is Kosovo's recognition by Serbia.

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj was a guest in TV Show "Slobodno Srpski" on Sunday night; among the reasons is the first 100 days of the government that he is in charge.

The fight against corruption is a priority, but only in Albanian language (Kossev); US Embassy: Our omission, we will provide translation (RTK2)

Yesterday began the celebration of the Anti-Corruption Week in Kosovo by the press conference of the ambassadors of the Quintus countries. Journalists of the Serbian media who followed this event were left without the translation, reports Kossev.

In Kosovo, for the second year in a row, a week dedicated to the fight against corruption is organized, which, with the support of the US Embassy and USAID, is organized by a coalition of non-governmental organizations.

Gorazdevac: A new series of livestock theft (Kossev)

During the last night, two vehicles and livestock were stolen in Serbian households in Gorazdevac. According to Radio Gorazdevac a van was stolen from Misko Jovanovic, and Branko Stevanovic's vehicle has disappeared from the backyard.

On the same night, from the stables of the Portic family, a cow with calf was stolen. These events disturbed the local population, Radio Gorazdevac reported.

Thefts were reported to the police that started the investigation.

Published names of future councillors, the Serbian List has the most (Kossev)

The Central Election Commission has published the names of future councillors in the assemblies of municipalities in Kosovo. In all ten municipalities with a Serb majority, the candidates of the Serbian List won most of the councillor seats.

Results were announced last night after re-counting about 700 ballot boxes. Possible complaints of election results can be submitted as of today, from 12 o'clock, to when more detailed results will be announced, according to the CEC, Kossev reports.

Serbian judges arrived at workplaces, the Albanian under escort (Kontakt plus radio, Kossev)

Serbian judges and administrative staff, as well as their Albanian colleagues, came to their workplaces at the Kosovo Basic Court in northern Mitrovica this morning at eight o'clock.

Sometime after eight o'clock and their Albanian colleagues arrived in a bus and under police escort, reports Kossev.

Whether this court today officially started to work, Kossev failed to obtain confirmation.

Serbian judges and prosecutors took an oath (Kossev)

Today forty Serbian judges and thirteen prosecutors took an oath before the Kosovo President Hashim Thaci in Pristina.

These judges and prosecutors are now integrated into the Kosovo's judicial system, and the Kosovo President himself has congratulated them. The ceremony was attended by international representatives in Kosovo, including ambassadors, Kossev reports.